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tb-megamenu-item-toolbox.tpl.php in The Better Mega Menu 7


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<div id="tb-megamenu-admin-mm-toolitem" class="admin-toolbox">

print t('Item Configuration');
?> (<a href="#" class="back-megamenu-toolbox"><?php

print t("MegaMenu Toolbox");

print t('This allows you to configure each link you added in the Drupal core menu. You can: add block, have it styled by adding extra class, set icon (FontAwesome icons) and add description.');
  <ul id="toogle-submenu-wrapper">
      <label class="hasTip" title="<?php

print t('Submenu') . ' - ' . t('Enable or disable submenu');

print t('Submenu');
      <fieldset class="radio btn-group toolitem-sub">
        <input type="radio" id="toggleSub0" class="toolbox-toggle" data-action="toggleSub" name="toggleSub" value="0"/>
        <label for="toggleSub0" title="<?php

print t('Disable submenu');

print t('No');
        <input type="radio" id="toggleSub1" class="toolbox-toggle" data-action="toggleSub" name="toggleSub" value="1" checked="checked"/>
        <label for="toggleSub1" title="<?php

print t('Enable submenu');

print t('Yes');
  <ul id="toogle-group-wrapper">
      <label class="hasTip" title="<?php

print t('Group') . ' - ' . t('Configure how this item’s submenu display.');

print t('Group');
      <fieldset class="radio btn-group toolitem-group">
        <input type="radio" id="toggleGroup0" class="toolbox-toggle" data-action="toggleGroup" name="toggleGroup" value="0" checked="checked"/>
        <label for="toggleGroup0" title="<?php

print t('Submenu items show only when hover/click on this tem.');

print t('No');
        <input type="radio" id="toggleGroup1" class="toolbox-toggle" data-action="toggleGroup" name="toggleGroup" value="1"/>
        <label for="toggleGroup1" title="<?php

print t('Submenu items are visible under this item.');

print t('Yes');
  <ul id="toogle-break-column-wrapper">
      <label class="hasTip" title="<?php

print t('Break column') . ' - ' . t('Move the item to the left/right column, create new column if there’s none on the chosen side.');

print t('Break column');
      <fieldset class="btn-group">
        <a href="" class="btn toolitem-moveleft toolbox-action" data-action="moveItemsLeft" title="<?php

print t('Move the items to the left column.');
?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></a>
        <a href="" class="btn toolitem-moveright toolbox-action" data-action="moveItemsRight" title="<?php

print t('Move the items to the right column.');
?>"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a>
    <li title="<?php

print t('Extra class') . ' - ' . t('Add extra class to style megamenu.');
      <label class="hasTip"><?php

print t('Extra class');
      <fieldset class="">
        <input type="text" class="input-medium toolitem-exclass toolbox-input" name="toolitem-exclass" data-name="class" value="" />
    <li title="<?php

print t('Icon') . ' - ' . t('Add Icon for Menu Item. Click Icon label to visit FontAwesome icons page and get icon class. Ex: fa fa-search');
      <label class="hasTip">
        <i class="fa fa-search"></i> <a href="" target="_blank" title="FontAwesome Icon"><?php

print t('Icon');
      <fieldset class="">
        <input type="text" class="input-medium toolitem-xicon toolbox-input" name="toolitem-xicon" data-name="xicon" value="" />
    <li title="<?php

print t('Item caption') . ' - ' . t('Add caption to this item');
      <label class="hasTip">

print t('Item caption');
      <fieldset class="">
        <input type="text" class="input-large toolitem-caption toolbox-input" name="toolitem-caption" data-name="caption" value="" />