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CHANGELOG.txt in Taxonomy Permissions 8

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  1. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
CHANGELOG for Taxonomy Permissions for Drupal 8

taxonomy_permissions 8.x-1.x-dev:
  - Issue #3062917 by Deeksha B: Fix Namespace dependencies in info.yml file.
  - Issue #2606040 by flocondetoile, Rob C, dravenk, salvis: Port Taxonomy Permissions to Drupal 8.

taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.1 (2016-07-27):
  - Make local cache of accessible vids by-user.
  - #2712973 by Nixou: Entity reference and optional relationship.
  - Add a dummy test that never fails, to keep d.o's testbot happy.

taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.0 (2015-06-11):
  - #2022707: After two years and 513 known installations it's time to create a release (no functional change in this commit).

taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.0-rc1 (2013-06-18):
  - Initial commit of Taxonomy Permissions, a module to add more permissions to the Taxonomy core module.


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  1. CHANGELOG for Taxonomy Permissions for Drupal 8
  2. taxonomy_permissions 8.x-1.x-dev:
  3. - Issue #3062917 by Deeksha B: Fix Namespace dependencies in info.yml file.
  4. - Issue #2606040 by flocondetoile, Rob C, dravenk, salvis: Port Taxonomy Permissions to Drupal 8.
  5. taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.1 (2016-07-27):
  6. - Make local cache of accessible vids by-user.
  7. - #2712973 by Nixou: Entity reference and optional relationship.
  8. - Add a dummy test that never fails, to keep d.o's testbot happy.
  9. taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.0 (2015-06-11):
  10. - #2022707: After two years and 513 known installations it's time to create a release (no functional change in this commit).
  11. taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.0-rc1 (2013-06-18):
  12. - Initial commit of Taxonomy Permissions, a module to add more permissions to the Taxonomy core module.