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13 calls to taxonomy_menu_variable_get() in Taxonomy menu 8

taxonomy_menu_custom_paths_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_form_alter in taxonomy_menu_custom_paths/taxonomy_menu_custom_paths.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
taxonomy_menu_form_taxonomy_form_vocabulary in ./
Form constructor for the vocabulary editing form. We add our taxonomy_menu settings in here on a per-vocabulary basis.
taxonomy_menu_items_rebuild in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Rebuilds all the menu items.
taxonomy_menu_menu_links_insert in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Inserts menu links associated to a vocabulary.
taxonomy_menu_menu_links_update in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Updates menu links associated to a vocabulary.
taxonomy_menu_menu_link_prepare in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Prepares a taxonomy item to be saved as a menu link.
taxonomy_menu_path_custom in taxonomy_menu_custom_paths/taxonomy_menu_custom_paths.module
Callback for hook_taxonomy_menu_path.
taxonomy_menu_path_get in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Creates the path for the vid/tid combination.
taxonomy_menu_term_get_plid in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Helper function to determine a parent mlid for a specific taxonomy term, in function of the settings of the administration pages.
taxonomy_menu_vocab_submit in ./
Form submission handler for taxonomy_form_vocabulary().
_taxonomy_menu_get_changed_settings in ./
Helper function to find which submitted values have changed upon submission of a vocabulary's creation/updating form.
_taxonomy_menu_nodeapi_helper in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Abstraction of hook_node_<op>().
_taxonomy_menu_termapi_helper in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Abstraction of hook_termapi_<op>().