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Functions in Taxonomy menu 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_taxonomy_menu_build_variable ./taxonomy_menu.module Builds a variable from the supplied name and machine name of the vocabulary. 3
_taxonomy_menu_children_has_nodes ./taxonomy_menu.module Helper function to see if any of the children have any nodes. 1
_taxonomy_menu_delete_all ./ Deletes all links associated with this vocab from {taxonomy_menu} table. 1
_taxonomy_menu_delete_item ./ Delete all rows from {taxomony_menu} associated with this term ID and vocabulary ID. 1
_taxonomy_menu_flatten_form_settings ./ Flatten an array of submitted values. 1
_taxonomy_menu_get_changed_settings ./ Helper function to find which submitted values have changed upon submission of a vocabulary's creation/updating form. 1
_taxonomy_menu_get_item ./ Get vid, tid for a given mlid 1
_taxonomy_menu_get_menu_items ./ Retrieves all menu items for a vocabulary. 3
_taxonomy_menu_get_mlid ./ Returns an mlid based on a taxonomy term ID and vocabulary ID. 11
_taxonomy_menu_get_node_terms ./ Get an array of the tid's related to the node
_taxonomy_menu_get_orphaned_menu_items ./ Get orphaned menu relations for a vocab. 1
_taxonomy_menu_get_parents ./ Get an array of the tid's from the parent
_taxonomy_menu_get_tid ./ Get tid for a given mlid
_taxonomy_menu_get_tids ./ Get all of the tid for a given vocabulary id. Used to build path (tid1+tid2+...) 2
_taxonomy_menu_get_vid_by_tid ./ Get the vocabulary for a tid
_taxonomy_menu_insert_menu_item ./ Inserts a taxonomy term/menu item association in {taxonomy_menu} table. 1
_taxonomy_menu_nodeapi_helper ./taxonomy_menu.module Abstraction of hook_node_<op>().
_taxonomy_menu_save_form_settings ./ Helper function, which recursively saves all the submitted settings values of a form. 1
_taxonomy_menu_save_menu_links_batch ./ Saves link items in a menu based on available taxonomy terms. 3
_taxonomy_menu_save_menu_links_finished ./ Batch 'finished' callback. 1
_taxonomy_menu_save_menu_links_process ./ Processes the batch. 1
_taxonomy_menu_termapi_helper ./taxonomy_menu.module Abstraction of hook_termapi_<op>(). 3
_taxonomy_menu_term_count ./ @TODO Needs Updating since terms are related via node fields 2
_taxonomy_menu_update_all_parents ./taxonomy_menu.module Update all parent items. 1
_taxonomy_menu_valid_path ./ Checks a path exists. 1


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