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README.txt in Taxonomy Manager 7

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  1. 8 README.txt
  2. 5 README.txt
  3. 6.2 README.txt
  4. 6 README.txt
  5. 2.0.x README.txt

This module provides a powerful interface for managing vocabularies of the taxonomy module.
It's especially very useful for long sets of vocabularies.

  * dynamic tree view
  * mass deleting
  * mass adding of new terms
  * moving of terms in hierarchies
  * merging of terms (Term merge module)
  * fast weight changing with up and down arrows (and AJAX saving)
  * AJAX powered term editing form
  * simple search interface

  - Taxonomy module enabled
  - JavaScript enabled in your browser
  - a user with 'administer taxonomy' permission

1. Place the entire taxonomy_manager directory into your Drupal sites/all/modules/ directory.

2. Enable the taxonomy manager module by navigating to:

     administer > site building > modules

UPGRAGE to 7.x
The table 'taxonomy_manager_merge' is deprecated and won't be used by now. This table stores
which terms were merged into which destination term. If you do not need this information, you
can manually remove this table.

To use the Taxonomy Manager go to administer > content management > taxonomy manager. This page
contains a list of all available vocabularies. By clicking at one of the vocabularies, you get 
redirected to the Taxonomy Manager interface, where you can edit the whole tree structure and
If you want to edit any general vocabulary settings or if you want to create a new one, go to 
the categories (administer > content management > categories) page.

The interface contains a search bar, a toolbar with some operations, a tree view and if a term
gets selected a form for editing the term data.
The following lines describe all operations and some terminology.

 - Tree View
     The tree view shows all terms of the vocabulary with their hierarchical relations. If your
     list of terms gets very long, there is a paging mechanism included with a page size of 50 terms. 
     If you are having hierarchical vocabularies, all parent terms have a plus symbol, which 
     means you can expand them to show their child terms. Use the minus symbol to collapse
     them again.
     In multiple hierarchies, if one term has more parents, the term gets shown under 
     each of its parents. 
 - Adding of terms
     For adding new term, click on the 'Add' Button. A fieldset containing some textfields expands.
     If you want to close this fieldset, click 'Cancel'.
     To insert a new term, fill in any textfield. Each textfield can only contain one term. 
     You don't have to fill in all textfields, they can be left empty. 
     Depending on your hierarchy settings, it's possible to insert terms and to directly assign 
     a parent to them. If you want to do this, select a parent term in the tree view by marking 
     the checkbox. If you have multiple hierarchies enabled, it's even possible to assign the 
     new inserted terms to more parents at once by selecting more terms in the tree view.
 - Weight Editing
     Every term has a weight. This weight determines the position the terms get listed. If terms
     have the same weight, they are ordered alphabetically. 
     If you want to change the weight, you have 3 ways to do that.
       1st way: select the terms you want to move by one position (can be more terms at once) and press
                either the up or the down button in the toolbar. All saving is done automatically through 
       2nd way: every term in tree view has a mouseover effect. When you move your mouse over a term, two
                small up and down arrows will appear. Click them to move this term by one
       3rd way: click on the term, where you want to change the weight. A form for editing the 
                term data appears on the right side of the tree view. At the bottom of this 
                form, there is a select field, which shows the current weight. By changing the
                value, the tree view gets automatically reordered and the values are saved to the
                database through AJAX.
 - Deleting
     If you want to delete terms from the vocabulary, select them by marking the checkbox and click
     the 'Delete' button. A fieldset, where you have to confirm the deletion, expands. 
     For hierarchical vocabularies (single or multi), the fieldset contains an option, which says:
     'Delete children of selected, if there are any'. Check this if you want to delete all children 
     of a selected parent term. Otherwise, if you are deleting the last parent of terms, the terms
     get added to root level.

 - Moving
     This operation is only available in hierarchical (single or multiple) vocabularies. It allows
     you to change hierarchies by moving terms from one parent to one other.
     Select all terms you want to move by marking the checkbox. Click the 'Move' button. A fieldset with
     some options expands.
     This fielset contains a autocomplete field, where you have to determine the parent term (under which
     the terms should be moved). If you want to move terms to the root level, leave this field empty. 
     This autocomplete form allows you to either choose a parent term from the list of exisitng terms
     or to insert a new terms, which will be used as parent (this parent term will be added to the root 
     In multiple hierarchical vocabularies, it's possible to move terms to more parents in one step by
     inserting more terms into the autocomplete field and separating them by commas. Additional, there
     appears an option ('Keep old parents and add new one'), which prevents the replacing of old parents.
 - Merging
     With the merging action, you can put terms with the same meaning together (e.g. your vocabulary
     contains: SoC, Summer of Code, GSoC, Google Summer of Code). All terms, that get merged into 
     one other, get synonyms of resulting term (here called merged or main term). Additional
     all term-node association gets automatically updated (this means nodes, that had a merging term
     assigned, now get the resulting merged term instead). All merging terms are deleted afterwards. 
     In the Taxonomy Manager, you can do that by selecting all terms you want to merge and to click
     the 'Merge' button. A fieldset with an autocomplete field an some options expands. In the 
     autocomplete field you have to specify the resulting merged term (into which the selected get merged). 
     The merged term can be either chosen from the list of existing terms or can be inserted automatically
     and used as merged term.
     Additional, there are some options available (they depend on the vocabulary settings). If you want
     to add any kind of relations (parents, children, related terms) from the merging terms to the
     resulting merged term, select one (or more) of them.
     The default taxonomy term page, which shows all assigned nodes, is overriden by the Taxonomy
     Manager, so that former merged terms can be considered (if someone calls a term, that was merged, 
     it redirects to the resulting merged term).
     NOTE: At the moment, the Taxonomy Manager only cares about the term-node association inserted
           into the term_node table (by the taxonomy module). If you are using any CCK modules, like 
           CCK Taxonomy or Content Taxonomy, which (can) save the term - node association in cck tables, 
           don't use the Merging action, because changes are not handled.
           If you are using Views filters instead of the default taxonomy term page, merged terms are 
           either respected.
           If you want to customize this by yourself or have some other module, you can use following 
           function taxonomy_manager_merge_get_main_term($tid) for getting the main term id (if there 
           is any main term, else return 0). The term merge history gets saved in the 
           taxonomy_manager_merge table (main_tid, merged_tid) and gets additional cached, so that 
           checking for a merged terms causes nearly no performance loss.
 - Editing term data
     If you want to edit or read some term properties, click on the term. A fieldset on the right side
     of the tree view gets loaded. This contains all term related information and can be edited. If you
     want to change the term name or the description, fill in any changes you want and click the saving 
     symbol. All saving is done through AJAX, so no reload is necessary.
     Additional, this page contains listing of synonyms, related terms and parents (depends on your 
     vocabulary settings). 
     Every listed entry has an delete operation. By clicking the delete symbol, the relation gets deleted.
     In case of synonyms, the names get deleted from the database. If you are deleting a related term or a 
     parent, this doesn't delete the term itself, only the relation. 
     For adding new synonyms, the listing has a textfield below. Insert there any new synonym and click the 
     plus symbol.
     For adding a new related term or a new parent (if multi hierarchy), there is a autocomplete field below
     the listing. Use this to insert new terms or to choose existing ones and assign them to the current term. 
 - Using the search
     At the top of the page, there is a collapsed fieldset, called 'Search'. This search allows you to 
     directly select an existing term for editing. Else, if your input doesn't match an existing term, 
     the value will be used for filtering root level terms (this doesn't affect any child term).

Matthias Hutterer 


View source
  2. **************************
  4. --------------------------
  5. This module provides a powerful interface for managing vocabularies of the taxonomy module.
  6. It's especially very useful for long sets of vocabularies.
  7. Features:
  8. * dynamic tree view
  9. * mass deleting
  10. * mass adding of new terms
  11. * moving of terms in hierarchies
  12. * merging of terms (Term merge module)
  13. * fast weight changing with up and down arrows (and AJAX saving)
  14. * AJAX powered term editing form
  15. * simple search interface
  17. ------------
  18. - Taxonomy module enabled
  19. - JavaScript enabled in your browser
  20. - a user with 'administer taxonomy' permission
  22. ------------
  23. 1. Place the entire taxonomy_manager directory into your Drupal sites/all/modules/ directory.
  24. 2. Enable the taxonomy manager module by navigating to:
  25. administer > site building > modules
  26. UPGRAGE to 7.x
  27. ---------------
  28. The table 'taxonomy_manager_merge' is deprecated and won't be used by now. This table stores
  29. which terms were merged into which destination term. If you do not need this information, you
  30. can manually remove this table.
  32. --------------------------
  33. To use the Taxonomy Manager go to administer > content management > taxonomy manager. This page
  34. contains a list of all available vocabularies. By clicking at one of the vocabularies, you get
  35. redirected to the Taxonomy Manager interface, where you can edit the whole tree structure and
  36. terms.
  37. If you want to edit any general vocabulary settings or if you want to create a new one, go to
  38. the categories (administer > content management > categories) page.
  39. The interface contains a search bar, a toolbar with some operations, a tree view and if a term
  40. gets selected a form for editing the term data.
  41. The following lines describe all operations and some terminology.
  42. - Tree View
  43. The tree view shows all terms of the vocabulary with their hierarchical relations. If your
  44. list of terms gets very long, there is a paging mechanism included with a page size of 50 terms.
  45. If you are having hierarchical vocabularies, all parent terms have a plus symbol, which
  46. means you can expand them to show their child terms. Use the minus symbol to collapse
  47. them again.
  48. In multiple hierarchies, if one term has more parents, the term gets shown under
  49. each of its parents.
  50. - Adding of terms
  51. For adding new term, click on the 'Add' Button. A fieldset containing some textfields expands.
  52. If you want to close this fieldset, click 'Cancel'.
  53. To insert a new term, fill in any textfield. Each textfield can only contain one term.
  54. You don't have to fill in all textfields, they can be left empty.
  55. Depending on your hierarchy settings, it's possible to insert terms and to directly assign
  56. a parent to them. If you want to do this, select a parent term in the tree view by marking
  57. the checkbox. If you have multiple hierarchies enabled, it's even possible to assign the
  58. new inserted terms to more parents at once by selecting more terms in the tree view.
  59. - Weight Editing
  60. Every term has a weight. This weight determines the position the terms get listed. If terms
  61. have the same weight, they are ordered alphabetically.
  62. If you want to change the weight, you have 3 ways to do that.
  63. 1st way: select the terms you want to move by one position (can be more terms at once) and press
  64. either the up or the down button in the toolbar. All saving is done automatically through
  65. AJAX.
  66. 2nd way: every term in tree view has a mouseover effect. When you move your mouse over a term, two
  67. small up and down arrows will appear. Click them to move this term by one
  68. position.
  69. 3rd way: click on the term, where you want to change the weight. A form for editing the
  70. term data appears on the right side of the tree view. At the bottom of this
  71. form, there is a select field, which shows the current weight. By changing the
  72. value, the tree view gets automatically reordered and the values are saved to the
  73. database through AJAX.
  74. - Deleting
  75. If you want to delete terms from the vocabulary, select them by marking the checkbox and click
  76. the 'Delete' button. A fieldset, where you have to confirm the deletion, expands.
  77. For hierarchical vocabularies (single or multi), the fieldset contains an option, which says:
  78. 'Delete children of selected, if there are any'. Check this if you want to delete all children
  79. of a selected parent term. Otherwise, if you are deleting the last parent of terms, the terms
  80. get added to root level.
  81. - Moving
  82. This operation is only available in hierarchical (single or multiple) vocabularies. It allows
  83. you to change hierarchies by moving terms from one parent to one other.
  84. Select all terms you want to move by marking the checkbox. Click the 'Move' button. A fieldset with
  85. some options expands.
  86. This fielset contains a autocomplete field, where you have to determine the parent term (under which
  87. the terms should be moved). If you want to move terms to the root level, leave this field empty.
  88. This autocomplete form allows you to either choose a parent term from the list of exisitng terms
  89. or to insert a new terms, which will be used as parent (this parent term will be added to the root
  90. level).
  91. In multiple hierarchical vocabularies, it's possible to move terms to more parents in one step by
  92. inserting more terms into the autocomplete field and separating them by commas. Additional, there
  93. appears an option ('Keep old parents and add new one'), which prevents the replacing of old parents.
  94. - Merging
  95. With the merging action, you can put terms with the same meaning together (e.g. your vocabulary
  96. contains: SoC, Summer of Code, GSoC, Google Summer of Code). All terms, that get merged into
  97. one other, get synonyms of resulting term (here called merged or main term). Additional
  98. all term-node association gets automatically updated (this means nodes, that had a merging term
  99. assigned, now get the resulting merged term instead). All merging terms are deleted afterwards.
  100. In the Taxonomy Manager, you can do that by selecting all terms you want to merge and to click
  101. the 'Merge' button. A fieldset with an autocomplete field an some options expands. In the
  102. autocomplete field you have to specify the resulting merged term (into which the selected get merged).
  103. The merged term can be either chosen from the list of existing terms or can be inserted automatically
  104. and used as merged term.
  105. Additional, there are some options available (they depend on the vocabulary settings). If you want
  106. to add any kind of relations (parents, children, related terms) from the merging terms to the
  107. resulting merged term, select one (or more) of them.
  108. The default taxonomy term page, which shows all assigned nodes, is overriden by the Taxonomy
  109. Manager, so that former merged terms can be considered (if someone calls a term, that was merged,
  110. it redirects to the resulting merged term).
  111. NOTE: At the moment, the Taxonomy Manager only cares about the term-node association inserted
  112. into the term_node table (by the taxonomy module). If you are using any CCK modules, like
  113. CCK Taxonomy or Content Taxonomy, which (can) save the term - node association in cck tables,
  114. don't use the Merging action, because changes are not handled.
  115. If you are using Views filters instead of the default taxonomy term page, merged terms are
  116. either respected.
  117. If you want to customize this by yourself or have some other module, you can use following
  118. function taxonomy_manager_merge_get_main_term($tid) for getting the main term id (if there
  119. is any main term, else return 0). The term merge history gets saved in the
  120. taxonomy_manager_merge table (main_tid, merged_tid) and gets additional cached, so that
  121. checking for a merged terms causes nearly no performance loss.
  122. - Editing term data
  123. If you want to edit or read some term properties, click on the term. A fieldset on the right side
  124. of the tree view gets loaded. This contains all term related information and can be edited. If you
  125. want to change the term name or the description, fill in any changes you want and click the saving
  126. symbol. All saving is done through AJAX, so no reload is necessary.
  127. Additional, this page contains listing of synonyms, related terms and parents (depends on your
  128. vocabulary settings).
  129. Every listed entry has an delete operation. By clicking the delete symbol, the relation gets deleted.
  130. In case of synonyms, the names get deleted from the database. If you are deleting a related term or a
  131. parent, this doesn't delete the term itself, only the relation.
  132. For adding new synonyms, the listing has a textfield below. Insert there any new synonym and click the
  133. plus symbol.
  134. For adding a new related term or a new parent (if multi hierarchy), there is a autocomplete field below
  135. the listing. Use this to insert new terms or to choose existing ones and assign them to the current term.
  136. - Using the search
  137. At the top of the page, there is a collapsed fieldset, called 'Search'. This search allows you to
  138. directly select an existing term for editing. Else, if your input doesn't match an existing term,
  139. the value will be used for filtering root level terms (this doesn't affect any child term).
  140. AUTHOR
  141. ------
  142. Matthias Hutterer
  143. User:
  144. Email: