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public function MigrateDestinationTermMachineName::import in Taxonomy Machine Name 7

Import the provided term, using information from the provided row.


stdclass $term: Term object to build. Prefilled with any fields mapped in the Migration.

stdclass $row: Raw source data object - passed through to prepare/complete handlers.

Return value

array Array of key fields (tid only in this case) of the term that was saved if successful. FALSE on failure.



Overrides MigrateDestinationTerm::import

1 call to MigrateDestinationTermMachineName::import()
MigrateDestinationTermMachineName::runDeferredImports in ./
Attempt to import any terms for which import was previously deferred.


./, line 156
Taxonomy Machine Name Migrate Module File.


Class MigrateDestinationTermMachineName


public function import(stdClass $term, stdClass $row) {

  // Look up parent name if provided.
  if (isset($term->parent_machine_name)) {
    $parent_machine_name = trim($term->parent_machine_name);
    if (!empty($parent_machine_name)) {

      // Default to bundle if no vocabulary machine name provided.
      if (!isset($term->vocabulary_machine_name)) {
        $term->vocabulary_machine_name = $this->bundle;
      $parent_tid = taxonomy_term_machine_name_load($parent_machine_name, $term->vocabulary_machine_name);
      if (!empty($parent_tid)) {
        $term->parent = $parent_tid->tid;
      else {

        // Store aside for post import process once parent will be created.
        $deferred_import = new stdClass();
        $deferred_import->term = clone $term;
        $deferred_import->row = clone $row;
        $this->deferred[] = $deferred_import;
  $tid = parent::import($term, $row);
  return $tid;