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README.txt in Taxonomy Facets 7.3

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  1. 7 README.txt
  2. 7.2 README.txt

TAXO FACETED NAVIGATION module - Faceted search with clean url's.


IMPORTANT: this module will not work with default URL alias patterns for 
Taxonomies, see "Configure URL alias patterns" section below


Progresive content filtering, with clean url's, using taxonomies as facets.

Ideal for eCommerce carts, real estate / properyies sites, classified ads, or other sites with multiple categories,
where users need to filter content progressively by applying filters from one or more categories.

Category Landing Pages

Taxonomy terms are used as Facets to help users filter content progressively. Similar to the way it is done on most of
today’s eCommerce sites, like Amazon. This module is all about SEO, so as the user applies different filters the clean
URL's are preserved with each filter change. For example, if the user applies these three filters:
Computer Monitors, Samsung and LCD, then the URL will look something like:

When the user then changes the filters to Computer Monitors, HP and LCD, the URL will change to:

Filters can be applied in various permutations, so producing a clean URL for each unique filter combination will allow
search engines to index a huge amount of landing pages. Please be careful as duplication of content can be panished by
search engines, so seek advice of SEO experts.

Node pages

When a user arrives on the “node body" page, like the product page, the full URL path will be preserved.

If a user finds the same node (i.e product) with different filter permutations this will be reflected in the URL:

Futhermore, if a user arrives on the product page via a direct URL, say directly from a Google search, the filters from
the URL will be applied automatically and menu items expanded and highlighted accordingly.

For example, if a user arrives on the site via this URL:

The menu tree / facets will look something like

Computer hardware
--Monitors (highlighted)
--Hard discs

--HP (highlighted)

--LCD (highlighted)

But if they arrive on the same product page via a different URL, say:

The menu tree / facets will now look something like

--Multimedia (highlighted)
--House appliance

Product type
--displays (highlighted)

--HP (highlighted)

This module produces "menus" on the fly, i.e. no need for rebuilding menus or indexing as the menu items are not Drupal
menu items but just items in the block. This is useful for sites where taxonomies may change frequently.

Filters / facets blocks are cached for better performance.


1) Place this module directory in your "modules" folder (this will usually be
   "sites/all/modules/"). Don't install your module in Drupal core's "modules"
   folder, since that will cause problems and is bad practice in general. If
   "sites/all/modules" doesn't exist yet, just create it.

2) Enable the Taxonomy Faceted navigation module in Drupal at:
   administration -> site configuration -> modules (admin/build/modules)
   The Drupal core taxonomy module is required.
 3) IMPORTANT: this module will not work with default URL alias patterns for 
 Taxonomies, see "Configure URL alias patterns" section below


Set Permissions
Go to Permissions page: admin/people/permissions
Find permision: "View taxonomy facets" and select for appropriate 
roles, i.e select ANONYMOUS USER role.

* Expose taxonomy as Faceted Filters / Navigation blocks
Go to Blocks admin page:
Administration » Structure » Blocks
and create Taxo Faceterd block by clicking on "Add taxofaceted block" link.
Select desired taxonomy in the Taxonomy drop down field.

You can oweride the default block title (which is Taxonomy name) by
filing the title filed of the block.

Save block.	

The block will appear in the "Disabled" section on the blocks page.
and the blocks name will be prefixed by "Taxo Faceted Filter:", say
"Taxo Faceted Filter: Monitors".

Select region you want your block to apper in, i.e "Sidebar first".

Save blocks.

* Set first argument
Go to admin section: 
Configuration >> SEARCH AND METADATA >> Taxo Faceted Navigation 
( admin/config/search/tax_faceted_nav )
Setting up of the first argument in the url is necessary for the working of 
this module. 
For example, if this is an ecommerce site the argument could be store, so URL 
would look something like 
Can not be null. 

* !!! IMPORTANT: Do not use / in the url alias of the taxonomy term
If you are setting url aliases manualy, do not use / character in the url alias of the taxonomy term (you can use it
in the url alias of the node)
If you are using pathauto module than configure URL alias patterns as follow:
Go to
Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata > URL aliases >Patterns
In the TAXONOMY TERM PATHS section configure term patterns, change it to 
single argument, for example change default pattern: 
[term:vocabulary]/[term:name] to [term:name]. 
You can use [term:vocabulary]-[term:name] or similar, the key is to NOT have 
any / character in the pattern, as this module expects a single argument for 
each filter.

If you already have taxonomy term aliases generated with a different pattern update them:
* Delete aliases for taxonomy terms.
* Bulk update taxonomy term paths.

Content types
You can choose which content types will be shown when filtering content by aplying various filters permutations. To choose content types go to admin page
and go to "Select content types" section. Select desired types, say product. NOTE: Do not confuse this with
the "block visibility section" of the block admin screen. The seting "Show block for specific content types" is not
related to this module and if you use it you may not see filters block on the listing page.

* Configure other options
Go to admin section: 
Configuration >> SEARCH AND METADATA >> Taxo Faceted Navigation 
( admin/config/search/tax_faceted_nav )
Configure as desired

                              HOW TO USE

If you do not have any taxonomies in your system create some. Add them them as 
taxonmy facets block, by going to blocks page 
Administration » Structure » Blocks and click on +Add taxofacet block

For example create a vocabulary Catalog, 
create some terms in this vocabulary, for example:

 Create another 2 vocabularies
 Price range
  less than $100
  $100 - $200
  $200 - $500
  $500 - $1000
  $1000 +
Set URL aliases. Either install Pathauto module and generate URL aliases or set
 aliases manually. 
This module will not work without URL aliases
Add some nodes in to your CMS and tag them with appropriate taxonomies: Lets 
say you have Product content type. Add 3 fields to the product content type. 
Field type is Term Reference. 
Add fields Catalog, Brand and Price range, of type Term Reference, and select 
appropriate Vocabularies respectively.

Create some Products and associate with appropriate terms. For Example add 
Product node Sony
LCD monitor that costs $400 and associate it with:
 Price range - ($200 - $500)


View source
  2. --------------------
  3. TAXO FACETED NAVIGATION module - Faceted search with clean url's.
  4. * INTRO
  7. * HOW TO USE
  8. IMPORTANT: this module will not work with default URL alias patterns for
  9. Taxonomies, see "Configure URL alias patterns" section below
  10. ==========================================================================
  11. INTRO
  12. ==========================================================================
  13. Progresive content filtering, with clean url's, using taxonomies as facets.
  14. Ideal for eCommerce carts, real estate / properyies sites, classified ads, or other sites with multiple categories,
  15. where users need to filter content progressively by applying filters from one or more categories.
  16. Category Landing Pages
  17. ----------------------
  18. Taxonomy terms are used as Facets to help users filter content progressively. Similar to the way it is done on most of
  19. today’s eCommerce sites, like Amazon. This module is all about SEO, so as the user applies different filters the clean
  20. URL's are preserved with each filter change. For example, if the user applies these three filters:
  21. Computer Monitors, Samsung and LCD, then the URL will look something like:
  23. When the user then changes the filters to Computer Monitors, HP and LCD, the URL will change to:
  25. Filters can be applied in various permutations, so producing a clean URL for each unique filter combination will allow
  26. search engines to index a huge amount of landing pages. Please be careful as duplication of content can be panished by
  27. search engines, so seek advice of SEO experts.
  28. Node pages
  29. ----------
  30. When a user arrives on the “node body" page, like the product page, the full URL path will be preserved.
  32. If a user finds the same node (i.e product) with different filter permutations this will be reflected in the URL:
  34. Futhermore, if a user arrives on the product page via a direct URL, say directly from a Google search, the filters from
  35. the URL will be applied automatically and menu items expanded and highlighted accordingly.
  36. For example, if a user arrives on the site via this URL:
  38. The menu tree / facets will look something like
  39. Computer hardware
  40. --Monitors (highlighted)
  41. --Peripherals
  42. --Hard discs
  43. --Workstations
  44. Brand
  45. --Sony
  46. --HP (highlighted)
  47. --Dell
  48. --Apple
  49. TYPE
  50. --LCD (highlighted)
  51. --Plasma
  52. But if they arrive on the same product page via a different URL, say:
  54. The menu tree / facets will now look something like
  55. Stores
  56. --Multimedia (highlighted)
  57. --Books
  58. --House appliance
  59. Product type
  60. --displays (highlighted)
  61. --gaming
  62. --handheld
  63. Brand
  64. --Sony
  65. --HP (highlighted)
  66. --Dell
  67. --Apple
  68. This module produces "menus" on the fly, i.e. no need for rebuilding menus or indexing as the menu items are not Drupal
  69. menu items but just items in the block. This is useful for sites where taxonomies may change frequently.
  70. Filters / facets blocks are cached for better performance.
  71. ==========================================================================
  73. ==========================================================================
  74. 1) Place this module directory in your "modules" folder (this will usually be
  75. "sites/all/modules/"). Don't install your module in Drupal core's "modules"
  76. folder, since that will cause problems and is bad practice in general. If
  77. "sites/all/modules" doesn't exist yet, just create it.
  78. 2) Enable the Taxonomy Faceted navigation module in Drupal at:
  79. administration -> site configuration -> modules (admin/build/modules)
  80. The Drupal core taxonomy module is required.
  81. 3) IMPORTANT: this module will not work with default URL alias patterns for
  82. Taxonomies, see "Configure URL alias patterns" section below
  83. ==========================================================================
  85. ==========================================================================
  86. Set Permissions
  87. ------------------
  88. Go to Permissions page: admin/people/permissions
  89. Find permision: "View taxonomy facets" and select for appropriate
  90. roles, i.e select ANONYMOUS USER role.
  91. * Expose taxonomy as Faceted Filters / Navigation blocks
  92. ------------------------
  93. Go to Blocks admin page:
  94. Administration » Structure » Blocks
  95. and create Taxo Faceterd block by clicking on "Add taxofaceted block" link.
  96. Select desired taxonomy in the Taxonomy drop down field.
  97. You can oweride the default block title (which is Taxonomy name) by
  98. filing the title filed of the block.
  99. Save block.
  100. The block will appear in the "Disabled" section on the blocks page.
  101. and the blocks name will be prefixed by "Taxo Faceted Filter:", say
  102. "Taxo Faceted Filter: Monitors".
  103. Select region you want your block to apper in, i.e "Sidebar first".
  104. Save blocks.
  105. * Set first argument
  106. --------------------
  107. Go to admin section:
  108. Configuration >> SEARCH AND METADATA >> Taxo Faceted Navigation
  109. ( admin/config/search/tax_faceted_nav )
  110. Setting up of the first argument in the url is necessary for the working of
  111. this module.
  112. For example, if this is an ecommerce site the argument could be store, so URL
  113. would look something like
  114. Can not be null.
  115. * !!! IMPORTANT: Do not use / in the url alias of the taxonomy term
  116. If you are setting url aliases manualy, do not use / character in the url alias of the taxonomy term (you can use it
  117. in the url alias of the node)
  118. If you are using pathauto module than configure URL alias patterns as follow:
  119. Go to
  120. Administration > Configuration > Search and metadata > URL aliases >Patterns
  121. In the TAXONOMY TERM PATHS section configure term patterns, change it to
  122. single argument, for example change default pattern:
  123. [term:vocabulary]/[term:name] to [term:name].
  124. You can use [term:vocabulary]-[term:name] or similar, the key is to NOT have
  125. any / character in the pattern, as this module expects a single argument for
  126. each filter.
  127. If you already have taxonomy term aliases generated with a different pattern update them:
  128. * Delete aliases for taxonomy terms.
  129. * Bulk update taxonomy term paths.
  130. Content types
  131. -------------
  132. You can choose which content types will be shown when filtering content by aplying various filters permutations. To choose content types go to admin page
  133. admin/config/search/tax_faceted_nav
  134. and go to "Select content types" section. Select desired types, say product. NOTE: Do not confuse this with
  135. the "block visibility section" of the block admin screen. The seting "Show block for specific content types" is not
  136. related to this module and if you use it you may not see filters block on the listing page.
  137. * Configure other options
  138. --------------------------
  139. Go to admin section:
  140. Configuration >> SEARCH AND METADATA >> Taxo Faceted Navigation
  141. ( admin/config/search/tax_faceted_nav )
  142. Configure as desired
  143. ==========================================================================
  144. HOW TO USE
  145. ==========================================================================
  146. If you do not have any taxonomies in your system create some. Add them them as
  147. taxonmy facets block, by going to blocks page
  148. Administration » Structure » Blocks and click on +Add taxofacet block
  149. For example create a vocabulary Catalog,
  150. create some terms in this vocabulary, for example:
  151. Catalog
  152. Monitors
  153. LCD
  154. TFT
  155. Laptops
  156. Workstations
  157. Create another 2 vocabularies
  158. Brand
  159. Sony
  160. HP
  161. Acer
  162. Price range
  163. less than $100
  164. $100 - $200
  165. $200 - $500
  166. $500 - $1000
  167. $1000 +
  168. Set URL aliases. Either install Pathauto module and generate URL aliases or set
  169. aliases manually.
  170. This module will not work without URL aliases
  171. Add some nodes in to your CMS and tag them with appropriate taxonomies: Lets
  172. say you have Product content type. Add 3 fields to the product content type.
  173. Field type is Term Reference.
  174. Add fields Catalog, Brand and Price range, of type Term Reference, and select
  175. appropriate Vocabularies respectively.
  176. Create some Products and associate with appropriate terms. For Example add
  177. Product node Sony
  178. LCD monitor that costs $400 and associate it with:
  179. Product-LCD
  180. Brand-Sony
  181. Price range - ($200 - $500)