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function views_handler_argument_term_edge_node_tid_depth::query in Taxonomy Edge 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 views_taxonomy_edge/handlers/ \views_handler_argument_term_edge_node_tid_depth::query()
  2. 7.2 views_taxonomy_edge/handlers/ \views_handler_argument_term_edge_node_tid_depth::query()
  3. 7 views_taxonomy_edge/handlers/ \views_handler_argument_term_edge_node_tid_depth::query()


views_taxonomy_edge/handlers/, line 12
This file is a copy/override of the default views taxonomy argument handler.




function query() {
  if (!empty($this->options['break_phrase'])) {
    $tids = new stdClass();
    $tids->value = $this->argument;
    $tids = views_break_phrase($this->argument, $tids);
    if ($tids->value == -1) {
      return FALSE;
    if (count($tids->value) > 1) {
      $placeholder = " IN (" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, sizeof($tids->value), '%d')) . ")";
    else {
      $placeholder = " = %d";
    $tids = $tids->value;
  else {
    $placeholder = "= %d";
    $tids = array(
  $subquery = "\n  SELECT tn.vid FROM {term_node} tn\n";
  $where = "  WHERE \n";
  if ($this->options['depth'] == 'all') {
    $subquery .= "    INNER JOIN {term_edge} te ON te.tid = tn.tid\n";
    $where .= "    te.parent {$placeholder}\n";
    $args = $tids;
  elseif ($this->options['depth'] > 0) {
    $subquery .= "    INNER JOIN {term_edge} te ON te.tid = tn.tid\n";
    $where .= "    te.parent {$placeholder}\n";
    $where .= "    AND te.distance <= %d\n";
    $args = $tids;
    $args[] = $this->options['depth'];
  elseif ($this->options['depth'] < 0) {
    $subquery .= "    INNER JOIN {term_edge} te ON te.tid = tn.tid\n";
    $where .= "    te.parent = (SELECT parent FROM {term_edge} WHERE tid {$placeholder} AND distance = %d)\n";
    $where .= "    AND te.distance <= %d\n";
    $args = $tids;
    $args[] = abs($this->options['depth']);
    $args[] = abs($this->options['depth']);
  else {
    $where .= "    tn.tid {$placeholder}\n";
    $args = $tids;
    ->add_where(0, "{$this->table_alias}.{$this->real_field} IN ({$subquery}{$where}  )", $args);