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taxonomy_access_fix.module in Taxonomy access fix 8.3

Hook implementations by Taxonomy Access Fix module.


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 * @file
 * Hook implementations by Taxonomy Access Fix module.
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\taxonomy\TermAccessControlHandler as OriginalTermAccessControlHandler;
use Drupal\taxonomy\VocabularyAccessControlHandler as OriginalVocabularyAccessControlHandler;
use Drupal\taxonomy_access_fix\TermAccessControlHandler;
use Drupal\taxonomy_access_fix\VocabularyAccessControlHandler;

 * Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
function taxonomy_access_fix_entity_type_alter(array &$entity_types) {
    ->setHandlerClass('list_builder', 'Drupal\\taxonomy_access_fix\\VocabularyListBuilder');
  $access_handler_class = $entity_types['taxonomy_vocabulary']
  if ($access_handler_class !== OriginalVocabularyAccessControlHandler::class) {

    // If an unexpected access control handler is in use, we can't guarantee
    // that our replacement handler will return correct access results.
    throw new LogicException('Unexpected access handler implementation in use for Taxonomy vocabulary entities. This might be due to an unexpected change in Drupal Core or due to a conflict with another contributed or custom module in use.');
    ->setHandlerClass('access', VocabularyAccessControlHandler::class);
  $access_handler_class = $entity_types['taxonomy_term']
  if ($access_handler_class !== OriginalTermAccessControlHandler::class) {

    // If an unexpected access control handler is in use, we can't guarantee
    // that our replacement handler will return correct access results.
    throw new LogicException('Unexpected access handler implementation in use for Taxonomy term entities. This might be due to an unexpected change in Drupal Core or due to a conflict with another contributed or custom module in use.');
    ->setHandlerClass('access', TermAccessControlHandler::class);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy_overview_terms form.
 * @see \Drupal\taxonomy\Form\OverviewTerms
function taxonomy_access_fix_form_taxonomy_overview_terms_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {

  // Admin: Don't fix anything.
  if (Drupal::currentUser()
    ->hasPermission('administer taxonomy')) {
  $vocabulary = $form_state
  $can_reorder = $vocabulary
  foreach (Element::children($form['terms']) as $name) {
    if ($can_reorder) {
  if (!$can_reorder) {

    // Hide Save and Reset buttons.
    $form['actions']['#access'] = FALSE;

    // Remove tableDrag.

    // Remove Weight column.