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function TaxonomyAccessTestCase::checkRoleConfig in Taxonomy Access Control 7

Asserts that a status column and "Configure" link is found for the role.


array $statuses: An associative array of role statuses, keyed by role ID. Each item should be TRUE if the role is enabled, and FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to TaxonomyAccessTestCase::checkRoleConfig()
TaxonomyAccessConfigTest::testRoleEnableDisable in ./taxonomy_access.test
Tests enabling and disabling TAC for a custom role.
TaxonomyAccessConfigTest::testSetUpCheck in ./taxonomy_access.test
Tests the initial state of the test environment.


./taxonomy_access.test, line 226
Automated tests for the Taxonomy Access Control module.


Provides a base test class and helper methods for automated tests.


function checkRoleConfig(array $statuses) {
  $roles = _taxonomy_access_user_roles();

  // Log in as the administrator.
  foreach ($statuses as $rid => $status) {

    // Assert that a "Configure" link is available for the role.
      ->assertLinkByHref(TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . "/role/{$rid}/edit", 0, t('"Configure" link is available for role %rid.', array(
      '%rid' => $rid,

  // Retrieve the grant status table.
  $shown = array();
  $table = $this
  $table = reset($table);

  // SimpleXML has fake arrays so we have to do this to get the data out.
  foreach ($table->tr as $row) {
    $tds = array();
    foreach ($row->td as $value) {
      $tds[] = (string) $value;
    $shown[$tds[0]] = $tds[1];
  foreach ($statuses as $rid => $status) {

    // Assert that the form shows the passed status.
    if ($status) {
        ->assertTrue($shown[$roles[$rid]] == t('Enabled'), format_string('Role %role is enabled.', array(
        '%role' => $rid,
    else {
        ->assertTrue($shown[$roles[$rid]] == t('Disabled'), format_string('Role %role is disabled.', array(
        '%role' => $rid,

    // Assert that a "Configure" link is available for the role.
      ->assertLinkByHref(TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . "/role/{$rid}/edit", 0, t('"Configure" link is available for role %rid.', array(
      '%rid' => $rid,