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public function TaxonomyAccessConfigTest::testTermConfig in Taxonomy Access Control 7

Tests configuring specific terms.

Verifies that:

  • Access is updated correctly when the term configuration is added.
  • Access is updated correctly when there is a vocabulary default.
  • Access is updated correctly when multiple configurations are changed.
  • Access is updated correctly when the term configuration is deleted.


./taxonomy_access.test, line 807
Automated tests for the Taxonomy Access Control module.


Tests the module's configuration forms.


public function testTermConfig() {

  // Log in as the administrator.

  // Use the admin form to enable v1 and give anonymous view allow for v1t1.
    ->drupalGet(TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/' . DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID . '/edit');
  $edit = array();
  $edit['enable_vocab'] = $this->vocabs['v1']->vid;
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add'));
  $edit = array();
    ->addFormRow($edit, $this->vocabs['v1']->vid, $this->terms['v1t1']->tid, TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_ALLOW);
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Add');

  // Log out.

  // Visit each page and verify whether access is allowed or denied.
  foreach ($this->pages as $key => $page) {
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // If the page is tagged with v1t1, access should be allowed.
    if (strpos($key, 'v1t1') !== FALSE) {
        ->assertResponse(200, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is allowed.", array(
        '%name' => $key,
        '%nid' => $page->nid,
    else {
        ->assertResponse(403, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is denied.", array(
        '%name' => $key,
        '%nid' => $page->nid,

  // Enable v2 programmatically.
  taxonomy_access_enable_vocab($this->vocabs['v2']->vid, DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID);

  // Log in as the administrator.

  // Use the admin form to give anonymous view deny for v2t1.
    ->drupalGet(TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/' . DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID . '/edit');
  $edit = array();
    ->addFormRow($edit, $this->vocabs['v2']->vid, $this->terms['v2t1']->tid, TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_DENY);
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Add');

  // Log out.

  // Visit each page and verify whether access is allowed or denied.
  foreach ($this->pages as $key => $page) {
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);
    switch (TRUE) {

      // If the page is tagged with v2t1, access should be denied.
      case strpos($key, 'v2t1') !== FALSE:
          ->assertResponse(403, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is denied.", array(
          '%name' => $key,
          '%nid' => $page->nid,

      // Otherwise, if the page is tagged with v1t1, it's allowed.
      case strpos($key, 'v1t1') !== FALSE:
          ->assertResponse(200, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is allowed.", array(
          '%name' => $key,
          '%nid' => $page->nid,

      // Access should be denied by default.
          ->assertResponse(403, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is denied.", array(
          '%name' => $key,
          '%nid' => $page->nid,

  // Log in as the administrator.

  // Use the form to change the configuration: Allow for v2t1; Deny for v1t1.
    ->drupalGet(TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/' . DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID . '/edit');
  $edit = array();
    ->configureFormRow($edit, $this->vocabs['v2']->vid, $this->terms['v2t1']->tid, TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_ALLOW);
    ->configureFormRow($edit, $this->vocabs['v1']->vid, $this->terms['v1t1']->tid, TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_DENY);
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Save all');

  // Log out.

  // Visit each page and verify whether access is allowed or denied.
  foreach ($this->pages as $key => $page) {
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);
    switch (TRUE) {

      // If the page is tagged with v1t1, access should be denied.
      case strpos($key, 'v1t1') !== FALSE:
          ->assertResponse(403, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is denied.", array(
          '%name' => $key,
          '%nid' => $page->nid,

      // Otherwise, if the page is tagged with v2t1, it's allowed.
      case strpos($key, 'v2t1') !== FALSE:
          ->assertResponse(200, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is allowed.", array(
          '%name' => $key,
          '%nid' => $page->nid,

      // Access should be denied by default.
          ->assertResponse(403, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is denied.", array(
          '%name' => $key,
          '%nid' => $page->nid,

  // Log in as the administrator.

  // Use the form to delete the v2t1 configuration.
    ->drupalGet(TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/' . DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID . '/edit');
  $edit = array();
  $edit["grants[{$this->vocabs['v2']->vid}][{$this->terms['v2t1']->tid}][remove]"] = 1;
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Delete selected');

  // Log out.

  // Visit each page and verify whether access is allowed or denied.
  foreach ($this->pages as $key => $page) {
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // Access to all pages should be denied.
      ->assertResponse(403, t("Access to %name page (nid %nid) is denied.", array(
      '%name' => $key,
      '%nid' => $page->nid,