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CastToIntTest.php in Tamper 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\tamper\Unit\Plugin\Tamper;

use Drupal\tamper\Plugin\Tamper\CastToInt;

 * Tests the cast to int plugin.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\tamper\Plugin\Tamper\CastToInt
 * @group tamper
class CastToIntTest extends TamperPluginTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function instantiatePlugin() {
    return new CastToInt([], 'cast_to_int', [], $this

   * Test converting string '1' to int.
  public function testStringOneToInt() {
      ->assertEquals(1, $this->plugin

   * Test converting alphabetic string to int.
  public function testAlphabeticStringToInt() {
      ->assertEquals(0, $this->plugin

   * Test converting decimal string to int.
  public function testDecimalStringToInt() {
      ->assertEquals(1, $this->plugin

   * Test converting decimal to int.
  public function testDecimalToInt() {
      ->assertEquals(1, $this->plugin

   * Test converting TRUE to int.
  public function testTrueToInt() {
      ->assertEquals(1, $this->plugin

   * Test converting FALSE to int.
  public function testFalseToInt() {
      ->assertEquals(0, $this->plugin

   * Test converting string int to int.
  public function testStringIntToInt() {
      ->assertEquals(23456, $this->plugin



Namesort descending Description
CastToIntTest Tests the cast to int plugin.