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7 string references to 'tagclouds.settings' in TagCloud 2.0.x

CloudBuilder::build in src/CloudBuilder.php
Returns a render array for the tags.
TagcloudsAdminPage::buildForm in src/Form/TagcloudsAdminPage.php
Form constructor.
TagcloudsAdminPage::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/TagcloudsAdminPage.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
TagcloudsListVocs::listVocs in src/Controller/TagcloudsListVocs.php
Renders a list of vocabularies.
TagcloudsPageChunk::chunk in src/Controller/TagcloudsPageChunk.php
Renders a list of vocabularies.
TagService::getTags in src/TagService.php
Return an array of tags.
TagService::sortTags in src/TagService.php
Orders a set of tags.