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tagadelic_views.module in Views Tagadelic 5


View source

 *  Implementation of hook_views_style_plugins()
function tagadelic_views_views_style_plugins() {
  $plugins = array();
  $plugins['tagadelic'] = array(
    'name' => t('Tagadelic'),
    'theme' => 'tagadelic_display',
    'summary_theme' => 'tagadelic_display',
    'validate' => 'tagadelic_views_validate',
  return $plugins;
function tagadelic_views_validate($type, $view, $form) {
  if (isset($view['field']['count'])) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $view['field']['count']; $i++) {
      if (substr($view['field'][$i]['id'], 0, 9) == 'term_node') {
  form_error($form[$type . '-info'][$type . '_type'], t('The Tagadelic View requires one vocabulary field.'));
function theme_tagadelic_display(&$view, &$items, $type) {

  // get the views query and query parts (join and where) that we'll need
  $query = _tagadelic_build_query($view, $type);
  _tagadelic_views_parse_query($query, $join, $where);

  // get the vocabularies and size from the view
  $vids = _tagadelic_views_vocabs($view->field);
  $size = $type == 'block' ? $view->nodes_per_block : $view->nodes_per_page;
  if ($size == 0) {
    $size = 100000;
  elseif (!isset($size)) {
    $size = 60;
  $steps = 6;

  // execute the tagadelic query and create the tags
  if (strpos($join, ' LEFT JOIN {term_data}')) {
    $join = str_replace('LEFT JOIN {term_node} term_node ON node.nid = term_node.nid', '', $join);
    $join = str_replace('LEFT JOIN {term_data} term_data ON term_node.tid = term_data.tid', '', $join);
    $result = db_query_range('SELECT term_data.tid, COUNT(*) AS count,, term_data.vid FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {term_node} term_node ON term_node.nid = node.nid INNER JOIN {term_data} term_data ON term_data.tid = term_node.tid ' . $join . ' WHERE (1)' . $where . ' GROUP BY term_data.tid,, term_data.vid ORDER BY count DESC', 0, $size);
  else {
    $placeholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($vids), "%d"));
    $result = db_query_range('SELECT term_data.tid, COUNT(*) AS count,, term_data.vid FROM {node} node INNER JOIN {term_node} term_node ON term_node.nid = node.nid INNER JOIN {term_data} term_data ON term_data.tid = term_node.tid ' . $join . ' WHERE term_data.vid IN (' . $placeholders . ')' . $where . ' GROUP BY term_data.tid,, term_data.vid ORDER BY count DESC', $vids, 0, $size);
  $tags = tagadelic_build_weighted_tags($result, $steps);
  $tags = tagadelic_sort_tags($tags);

  // theme the output
  return theme('tagadelic_views', $tags, $view);
function theme_tagadelic_views($tags, $view) {
  return theme('tagadelic_weighted', $tags);

 * Function removed in views 1 dev branch, so we include it here
 * Support db_query() style argument replacement in a clause.
if (!function_exists('_views_replace_args')) {
  function _views_replace_args($clause, $args) {

    // cut & pasted directly from db_query.
    if (isset($args[0]) and is_array($args[0])) {

      // 'All arguments in one array' syntax
      $args = $args[0];
    _db_query_callback($args, TRUE);
    return preg_replace_callback(DB_QUERY_REGEXP, '_db_query_callback', $clause);
function _tagadelic_build_query(&$view, $type) {

  // if the query doesn't exist
  if (!$view->query) {
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'views');
    require_once "{$path}/";
    if ($view->view_args_php) {
      $result = eval($view->view_args_php);
      if (is_array($result)) {
        $args = $result;
    else {
      $args = $view->args;
    $info = _views_build_query($view, $args);
    $view->query = _views_replace_args($info['query'], $info['args']);
    $view->countquery = _views_replace_args($info['countquery'], $info['args']);
  $query = $view->query;

  // Run-time replacement so we can do cacheing
  $replacements = module_invoke_all('views_query_substitutions', $view);
  foreach ($replacements as $src => $dest) {
    $query = str_replace($src, $dest, $query);
  return $query;
function _tagadelic_views_parse_query($query, &$join, &$where) {

  // get the positions of the sql clauses
  $join_pos = strpos($query, ' LEFT JOIN ');
  $where_pos = strpos($query, ' WHERE ');
  $orderby_pos = strpos($query, ' ORDER BY ');

  // get the join clause
  if ($join_pos > 0) {
    if ($where_pos > 0) {
      $join = substr($query, $join_pos, $where_pos - $join_pos);
    elseif ($orderby_pos > 0) {
      $join = substr($query, $join_pos, $orderby_pos - $join_pos);
    else {
      $join = substr($query, $join_pos);

  // get the where clause
  if ($where_pos > 0) {
    if ($orderby_pos > 0) {
      $where = ' AND ' . substr($query, $where_pos + 7, $orderby_pos - ($where_pos + 7));
    else {
      $where = ' AND ' . substr($query, $where_pos + 7);
function _tagadelic_views_vocabs($fields) {
  foreach ($fields as $field) {
    $id = substr($field['id'], 0, 10);
    if ($id == 'term_node.') {
      foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies(NULL) as $vocabulary) {
        $vids[] = $vocabulary->vid;
    elseif ($id == 'term_node_') {
      $vids[] = substr($field['id'], 10);
  return $vids;