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private function TagadelicTag::clean in Tagadelic 7.2

Utility, to enforce XSS filtering on strings before they are printed or returned.

3 calls to TagadelicTag::clean()
TagadelicTag::get_description in ./TagadelicTag.php
Getter for the description return String the human readable description
TagadelicTag::get_name in ./TagadelicTag.php
Getter for the name return String the human readable name
TagadelicTag::__ToString in ./TagadelicTag.php
Magic method to render the Tag. turns the tag into an HTML link to its source.


./TagadelicTag.php, line 174


class TagadelicTag TagadelicTag contains the tag itself.


private function clean() {
  if ($this->dirty) {
    $this->name = $this
    $this->description = $this