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tac_lite.install in Taxonomy Access Control Lite 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 tac_lite.install
  2. 5 tac_lite.install
  3. 6 tac_lite.install

Installation functions for tac_lite. TODO: All updates need proper error handling and responses


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 * @file
 *   Installation functions for tac_lite.
 *   TODO: All updates need proper error handling and responses

 * Implementation of hook_install().
 * Ensure that tac_lite hooks are invoked after taxonomy module hooks.
function tac_lite_install() {
  $taxonomy_weight = db_query("SELECT weight FROM {system} WHERE name = 'taxonomy'")
  $num_updated = db_update('system')
    'weight' => $taxonomy_weight + 9,
    ->condition('name', 'tac_lite')

  // Note that it is not necessary to rebuild the node access table here, as
  // that will be done when module settings are saved.

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
 * Clean up tac_lite variables.
function tac_lite_uninstall() {
  for ($i = 1; $i <= variable_get('tac_lite_schemes', 1); $i++) {
    variable_del('tac_lite_config_scheme_' . $i);
    variable_del('tac_lite_grants_scheme_' . $i);

 * Ensure that tac_lite hooks are invoked after taxonomy module hooks.
function tac_lite_update_1() {
  $taxonomy_weight = db_query("SELECT weight FROM {system} WHERE name = 'taxonomy'")
  $num_updated = db_update('system')
    'weight' => $taxonomy_weight + 9,
    ->condition('name', 'tac_lite')

 * Ensure that the node_access table is thoroughly cleaned up in Drupal 5 update.
function tac_lite_update_2() {

  // Would batch mode help here?
  // Assume success and return with message.
  return t('Rebuilt node access table for tac_lite module.');

 * Introducing schemes. Rename tac_lite_default_grants to tac_lite_grants_scheme_1.
function tac_lite_update_3() {
  $num_updated = db_update('variable')
    'name' => 'tac_lite_grants_scheme_1',
    ->condition('name', 'tac_lite_default_grants')

 * Start of updates to Drupal 6.x-1.2. Start using Drupal standard
 * update numbers.

 * Rename permission from "administer_tac_lite" to "administer
 * tac_lite" for UI consistency.
function tac_lite_update_6001() {

  // TODO: Please review to make sure this is handling this update properly for this version of code. (only change was formatting and table name)
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {role_permission} WHERE perm LIKE '%administer_tac_lite%'");
  foreach ($result as $permission) {
    $perm = str_replace('administer_tac_lite', 'administer tac_lite', $permission->perm);

    //db_query("UPDATE {permission} SET perm = '". db_escape_string($perm) ."' WHERE rid =". $permission->rid);
    $num_updated = db_update('permission')
      'perm' => $perm,
      ->condition('rid', $permission->rid)

 * The tac_lite.module now supports an option to apply access by taxonomy to unpublished nodes as well as published content.  The default behavior is that tac_lite has no effect on unpublished content.  You should review each of your tac_lite schemes and, optionally, adjust this setting before rebuilding node access permissions.
function tac_lite_update_7001() {

  //  See for details.
  drupal_set_message(t('Please review each of your <a href="!url">taxonomy access control schemes</a>.  If necessary, adjust the new option to affect access to unpublished content.  Then rebuild content access permissions.', array(
    '!url' => url('admin/config/people/tac_lite'),

 * Rebuild node_access permissions, for sites upgrading from tac_lite 1.0 (or
 * 1.1) to 1.2.  This will fix a bug in which some nodes were erroneously added
 * to the node_access table.  You will be prompted to rebuild access permissions
 * after the update process is complete. (See the status report page.)
function tac_lite_update_7002() {


Namesort descending Description
tac_lite_install Implementation of hook_install().
tac_lite_uninstall Implements hook_uninstall().
tac_lite_update_1 Ensure that tac_lite hooks are invoked after taxonomy module hooks.
tac_lite_update_2 Ensure that the node_access table is thoroughly cleaned up in Drupal 5 update.
tac_lite_update_3 Introducing schemes. Rename tac_lite_default_grants to tac_lite_grants_scheme_1.
tac_lite_update_6001 Rename permission from "administer_tac_lite" to "administer tac_lite" for UI consistency.
tac_lite_update_7001 The tac_lite.module now supports an option to apply access by taxonomy to unpublished nodes as well as published content. The default behavior is that tac_lite has no effect on unpublished content. You should review each of your tac_lite schemes…
tac_lite_update_7002 Rebuild node_access permissions, for sites upgrading from tac_lite 1.0 (or 1.1) to 1.2. This will fix a bug in which some nodes were erroneously added to the node_access table. You will be prompted to rebuild access permissions after the update…