syntaxhighlighter.module in Syntax Highlighter 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
Syntax highlight code using the Syntaxhighlighter javascript library. See
@author: Matthew Young <>
syntaxhighlighter.moduleView source
* @file
* Syntax highlight code using the Syntaxhighlighter javascript library.
* See
* @author: Matthew Young <>
* Inject syntaxhighlighter on every page except the listed pages.
* Inject syntaxhighlighter on only the listed pages.
* Inject syntaxhighlighter if the associated PHP code returns TRUE.
define('SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER_PHP_PERMISSION', 'use PHP for syntaxhighlighter js/css code inject control');
* Implements hook_perm().
function syntaxhighlighter_perm() {
return array(
'use PHP for syntaxhighlighter js/css code inject control',
* Menu for admin settings page
function syntaxhighlighter_menu() {
$items['admin/settings/syntaxhighlighter'] = array(
'title' => 'Syntax highlighter',
'description' => 'Configure syntax highlighter',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'file' => '',
return $items;
function syntaxhighlighter_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#syntaxhighlighter':
return syntaxhighlighter_filter_tips(0, 0, TRUE);
function syntaxhighlighter_init() {
if (!_syntaxhighlighter_page_match()) {
$lib_location = _syntaxhighlighter_get_lib_location();
$styles_path = $lib_location . '/styles/';
$scripts_path = $lib_location . '/scripts/';
drupal_add_css($styles_path . 'shCore.css', 'module');
$theme = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_theme', 'shThemeDefault.css');
drupal_add_css($styles_path . $theme, 'module');
drupal_add_js($scripts_path . 'shCore.js', 'module');
if (variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_legacy_mode', 0)) {
drupal_add_js($scripts_path . 'shLegacy.js', 'module');
if (variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_use_autoloader', FALSE)) {
drupal_add_js($scripts_path . 'shAutoloader.js');
drupal_add_js(file_directory_path() . '/syntaxhighlighter.autoloader.js');
$settings['useAutoloader'] = TRUE;
else {
$enabled_languages = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_enabled_languages', array(
foreach ($enabled_languages as $lang) {
if (!empty($lang)) {
drupal_add_js($scripts_path . $lang, 'module');
$tag_name = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_tagname', 'pre');
if ($tag_name !== 'pre') {
$settings['tagName'] = $tag_name;
if (file_exists($scripts_path . 'clipboard.swf')) {
$settings['clipboard'] = base_path() . $scripts_path . 'clipboard.swf';
if (variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_legacy_mode', 0)) {
$settings['legacyMode'] = TRUE;
'syntaxhighlighter' => $settings,
), 'setting');
if ($defaultExpression = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_default_expressions', '')) {
drupal_add_js($defaultExpression, 'inline');
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'syntaxhighlighter') . '/syntaxhighlighter.min.js', 'module', 'footer');
function _syntaxhighlighter_page_match() {
$inject = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_inject', SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER_INJECT_EXCEPT_LISTED);
$pages = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_pages', "admin\nadmin/*\nuser\nuser/*\nimce\nimce/*\n");
$path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
// Compare with the internal and path alias (if any).
$page_match = drupal_match_path($path, $pages);
if ($path != $_GET['q']) {
$page_match = $page_match || drupal_match_path($_GET['q'], $pages);
return !($inject xor $page_match);
else {
return drupal_eval($pages);
function syntaxhighlighter_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = FALSE) {
if ($long) {
$tip[] = '<p>' . t('Syntax highlight code surrounded by the <code>!ex0</code> tags, where SPEC is a Syntaxhighlighter options string or "class="OPTIONS" title="the title".', array(
'!ex0' => '{syntaxhighlighter SPEC}...{/syntaxhighlighter}',
)) . '</p>';
$tip[] = '<p>' . t('Example: <code>!ex1</code>', array(
'!ex1' => '{syntaxhighlighter brush:php;collapse:true;first-line:50;highlight:[57,81,101];class-name:\'some_class some_other_class\'}...{/syntaxhighlighter}',
)) . '</p>';
$tip[] = '<p>' . t('This will syntax highlight PHP code, initially collapsed, start line number at 50, highlight lines 57, 81 and 101 and tag highlighted code with class names some_class and some_other_class.');
$tip[] = '<p>' . t('See <a href="!url0">the Syntaxhighlighter javascript library site</a> for additional helps.', array(
'!url0' => '',
)) . '</p>';
$tip = implode("\n", $tip);
else {
$tip = t('Syntax highlight code surrounded by the <code>!ex0</code> tags, where SPEC is a Syntaxhighlighter options string or "class="OPTIONS" title="the title".', array(
'!ex0' => '{syntaxhighlighter SPEC}...{/syntaxhighlighter}',
return $tip;
* Implements hook_filter()
function syntaxhighlighter_filter($op, $delta = 0, $format = -1, $text = '') {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
return array(
0 => t('Syntax highlighter'),
case 'description':
return syntaxhighlighter_filter_tips(0, 0, FALSE);
case 'no cache':
return FALSE;
case 'prepare':
if ($delta == 0) {
return _syntaxhighlighter_do_filter_prepare($text);
else {
return $text;
case 'process':
if ($delta == 0) {
return _syntaxhighlighter_do_filter_process($text);
else {
return $text;
// do nothing
return $text;
* Validate on the node input text to be sure there is no bad
* {syntaxhighlighter} tags
function syntaxhighlighter_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
case 'validate':
$teaser_break = strpos($node->body, '<!--break-->');
if ($teaser_break === 0) {
_syntaxhighlighter_validate_input('body', $node->body);
else {
_syntaxhighlighter_validate_input('teaser_js', $node->teaser_js);
_syntaxhighlighter_validate_input('body', substr($node->body, $teaser_break));
* Validate on comment input text to be sure there is no bad
* {syntaxhighlighter} tags
function syntaxhighlighter_comment(&$a1, $op) {
switch ($op) {
case 'validate':
_syntaxhighlighter_validate_input('comment', $a1['comment']);
* Check for error with syntaxhighlighter input
* @param string $field
* what input field are we checking? We do form_set_error on this if
* any error is found
* @param string $text
* the input text to check for
function _syntaxhighlighter_validate_input($field, $text) {
$errors = array();
// check for balance open/close tags
preg_match_all('/\\{ *syntaxhighlighter *[^}]+\\}/', $text, $matches_open, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
preg_match_all('/\\{\\/ *syntaxhighlighter *\\}/', $text, $matches_close, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if (count($matches_open[0]) != count($matches_close[0])) {
$errors[] = t('{syntaxhighlighter} tags are not balanced: open and close tags must match.');
// make sure no nesting
preg_match_all('/\\{ *syntaxhighlighter *[^}]+\\}.*\\{\\/ *syntaxhighlighter *\\}/sU', $text, $matches_pair, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if (count($matches_pair[0]) != 0 && (count($matches_pair[0]) != count($matches_open[0]) || count($matches_pair[0]) != count($matches_close[0]))) {
$errors[] = t('{syntaxhighlighter} tags cannot be nested. If you need to show the {syntaxhighlighter}/{/syntaxhighlighter} strings in syntax highlighted code, show them in escape form as <code>&#123;syntaxhighlighter OPTIONS&#125;</code> and <code>&#123;/syntaxhighlighter&#125;</code>');
if (!empty($errors)) {
form_set_error($field, implode('<br />', $errors));
* Replace any '<' and '>' with < and > inside so that any HTML filter
* will not mess with the code.
* @param string $text
* the content text to be filtered
* @return
* the escape content text
function _syntaxhighlighter_do_filter_prepare($text) {
preg_match_all('/\\{ *syntaxhighlighter *[^}]+\\}|\\{\\/ *syntaxhighlighter *\\}/', $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$output = '';
$at = 0;
for ($it = new ArrayIterator($matches[0]); $it
->valid(); $it
->next()) {
$open_tag = $it
$close_tag = $it
$output .= substr($text, $at, $open_tag[1] - $at);
$end = $close_tag[1] + strlen($close_tag[0]);
$output .= strtr(substr($text, $open_tag[1], $end - $open_tag[1]), array(
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
$at = $close_tag[1] + strlen($close_tag[0]);
$output .= substr($text, $at);
return $output;
* Filter {syntaxhighlighter options}program code{/syntaxhighlighter} into
* <pre class="options">program code</pre>
* We make sure if there is " inside options, they become ' so the HTML
* in the end is proper
function _syntaxhighlighter_do_filter_process($text) {
$patterns = array(
'/{ *syntaxhighlighter *([^}]+)\\}/e',
'/\\{\\/ *syntaxhighlighter *\\}/',
$tag_name = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_tagname', 'pre');
$replacements = array(
return preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text);
* Escape " to ' in OPTIONS string
function _syntaxhighlighter_replace($x) {
$x = strtr($x, array(
'\\"' => "'",
$tag_name = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_tagname', 'pre');
if (_syntaxhighlighter_string_begins_with($x, 'class') || _syntaxhighlighter_string_begins_with($x, 'title')) {
return "<{$tag_name} {$x}>";
else {
return "<{$tag_name} class=\"{$x}\">";
function _syntaxhighlighter_string_begins_with($string, $search) {
return 0 == strncmp($string, $search, strlen($search));
* @return the directory path where the syntaxhighlighter js lib is installed, NULL if not found
function _syntaxhighlighter_get_lib_location() {
$result = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_lib_location', NULL);
if (!$result) {
$result = _syntaxhighlighter_scan_lib_location();
variable_set('syntaxhighlighter_lib_location', $result);
// library location may have changed, recreate the setup script if the lib
// is found
if ($result) {
return $result;
* Do an exhaustive scan of file directories for the location of the syntaxhighlighter js lib,
* Allow the syntaxhighlighter js library to be installed in any of the following
* locations and under any sub-directory (except 'src'):
* 1) syntaxhighlighter module directory
* 2) sites/<site_domain>/files (whereever the "public://" path is)
* 3) sites/all/libraries
* 4) the install profile libraries directory
* @return the file location of the js lib or NULL if not found
function _syntaxhighlighter_scan_lib_location() {
$directories = array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'syntaxhighlighter'),
// When this function is called during Drupal's initial installation process,
// the name of the profile that is about to be installed is stored in the
// global $profile variable. At all other times, the regular system variable
// contains the name of the current profile, and we can call variable_get()
// to determine the profile.
global $profile;
if (!isset($profile)) {
$profile = variable_get('install_profile', 'default');
$directories[] = "profiles/{$profile}/libraries";
foreach ($directories as $d) {
foreach (file_scan_directory($d, 'shCore\\.js$', array(
)) as $filename => $file_info) {
// the path to syntaxhighlighter lib, (-18 to chop off "/scripts/shCore.js"
// part at the end
return substr($filename, 0, -18);
return NULL;
* Create the autoload setup script file. Must call this whenever lib
* location and/or the enable brushes change. Make sure never call this
* if the js lib is not found
function _syntaxhighlighter_setup_autoloader_script() {
$path = file_directory_path() . '/syntaxhighlighter.autoloader.js';
if (variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_use_autoloader', FALSE)) {
// use variable_get() instead of _syntaxhighlighter_get_lib_location()
// because this function is only if the lib location is found
$script_path = base_path() . variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_lib_location', NULL) . '/scripts/';
$script_data = <<<HEREHERE
* This file is generated by the Syntaxhighlighter module
$script_data .= "\nfunction syntaxhighlighterAutoloaderSetup() {\n SyntaxHighlighter.autoloader(\n";
$need_ending = FALSE;
$brushes = variable_get('syntaxhighlighter_enabled_languages', array(
foreach ($brushes as $b) {
if ($b) {
if ($need_ending) {
$script_data .= ",\n";
$alias = strtolower(substr(substr($b, 7), 0, -3));
$script_data .= " '{$alias} {$script_path}{$b}'";
$need_ending = TRUE;
$script_data .= "\n);\n}\n";
file_save_data($script_data, $path, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
else {
Name![]() |
Description |
syntaxhighlighter_comment | Validate on comment input text to be sure there is no bad {syntaxhighlighter} tags |
syntaxhighlighter_filter | Implements hook_filter() |
syntaxhighlighter_filter_tips | |
syntaxhighlighter_help | |
syntaxhighlighter_init | |
syntaxhighlighter_menu | Menu for admin settings page |
syntaxhighlighter_nodeapi | Validate on the node input text to be sure there is no bad {syntaxhighlighter} tags |
syntaxhighlighter_perm | Implements hook_perm(). |
_syntaxhighlighter_do_filter_prepare | Replace any '<' and '>' with < and > inside so that any HTML filter will not mess with the code. |
_syntaxhighlighter_do_filter_process | Filter {syntaxhighlighter options}program code{/syntaxhighlighter} into <pre class="options">program code</pre> |
_syntaxhighlighter_get_lib_location | |
_syntaxhighlighter_page_match | |
_syntaxhighlighter_replace | Escape " to ' in OPTIONS string |
_syntaxhighlighter_scan_lib_location | Do an exhaustive scan of file directories for the location of the syntaxhighlighter js lib, Allow the syntaxhighlighter js library to be installed in any of the following locations and under any sub-directory (except 'src'): 1)… |
_syntaxhighlighter_setup_autoloader_script | Create the autoload setup script file. Must call this whenever lib location and/or the enable brushes change. Make sure never call this if the js lib is not found |
_syntaxhighlighter_string_begins_with | |
_syntaxhighlighter_validate_input | Check for error with syntaxhighlighter input |
Name![]() |
Description |
SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER_INJECT_EXCEPT_LISTED | Inject syntaxhighlighter on every page except the listed pages. |
SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER_INJECT_IF_LISTED | Inject syntaxhighlighter on only the listed pages. |
SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER_INJECT_PHP | Inject syntaxhighlighter if the associated PHP code returns TRUE. |