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syntaxhighlighter.install in Syntax Highlighter 8

Syntax Highlighter module installation file.


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 * @file
 * Syntax Highlighter module installation file.
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup;
use Drupal\Core\Url;

 * Implements hook_install().
function syntaxhighlighter_install() {
  $message = t('You must <a href=":link">turn on the Syntax Highlighter filter</a> in an input format to syntax highlight code when using that format.', [
    ':link' => Url::FromRoute('filter.admin_overview')
  $message .= ' ' . t('Then <a href=":link">configure the Syntax Highlighter module</a>.', [
    ':link' => Url::FromRoute('syntaxhighlighter.settings.form')
  $message .= ' ' . t('See <a href=":link">the Syntax Highlighter module README.txt file</a> for instructions.', [
    ':link' => Url::FromUri('internal:/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'syntaxhighlighter') . '/README.txt')
  drupal_set_message(Markup::create($message), 'status');

  // Setting up the autoloader script at install time covers the case of an
  // installation profile which sets 'use_autoloader' to true.
  $config = \Drupal::config('syntaxhighlighter.settings');

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
function syntaxhighlighter_uninstall() {

 * Implements hook_requirements().
 * Make sure the user has installed the SyntaxHighlighter library.
function syntaxhighlighter_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = [];
  if ($phase == 'install') {

    // Make sure the libraries function is available during installation phase.
    if (!function_exists('libraries_get_path')) {

       * Make sure the libraries module has been registered. This covers the
       * case when syntaxhighlighter_requirements() is run from a custom
       * installation profile which depends on syntaxhighlighter.
      if (!Drupal::moduleHandler()
        ->moduleExists('libraries')) {
      module_load_include('module', 'libraries');
  $lib_location = libraries_get_path('syntaxhighlighter');
  if (!$lib_location) {
    $requirements['syntaxhighlighter']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
    $requirements['syntaxhighlighter']['description'] = t('The required SyntaxHighlighter Javascript library is not installed. See <a href=":link">the Syntax Highlighter module README.txt file</a> for instructions.', [
      ':link' => Url::FromUri('internal:/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'syntaxhighlighter') . '/README.txt')
  if ($phase === 'runtime') {
    $requirements['syntaxhighlighter']['title'] = t('Syntax Highlighter');
    $library = libraries_detect('syntaxhighlighter');
    if (!$library || !$library['installed']) {
      $requirements['syntaxhighlighter']['value'] = t('Not installed');
    else {
      $requirements['syntaxhighlighter']['value'] = !empty($library['version']) ? $library['version'] : t('Installed');
  return $requirements;