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function synonyms_views_plugin_argument_validate_taxonomy_term::validate_argument in Synonyms 7

Overrides views_plugin_argument_validate_taxonomy_term::validate_argument


views/, line 22
An extended version of the 'taxonomy term' argument validator plugin, which supports synonyms as arguments.


Validate whether an argument is an acceptable taxonomy term.


function validate_argument($argument) {
  $vocabularies = array_filter($this->options['vocabularies']);
  $type = $this->options['type'];
  $transform = $this->options['transform'];
  switch ($type) {
    case 'synonym':
    case 'synonym_tid':

      // We are requested to do synonyms friendly validation. Firstly we are
      // going to query the database trying to find a term with our argument's
      // name. If we find one, it is great and we stop right there. Otherwise,
      // we look up by synonyms.
      $query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't')
        ->fields('t', array(
      if (!empty($vocabularies)) {
          ->innerJoin('taxonomy_vocabulary', 'v', 't.vid = v.vid');
          ->condition('v.machine_name', $vocabularies);
      if ($transform) {
          ->where("REPLACE(, ' ', '-') = :name", array(
          ':name' => $argument,
      else {
          ->condition('', $argument, '=');
      $result = $query
        ->range(0, 1)
      if ($result
        ->rowCount()) {

        // We have found a term, we are going to use it.
        $term = taxonomy_term_load($result
        $this->argument->argument = $this
        $this->argument->validated_title = check_plain(entity_label('taxonomy_term', $term));
        return TRUE;
      $bundles = $vocabularies;
      if (empty($vocabularies)) {

        // At this point we want to convert an empty $vocabularies (implicitly
        // meaning "all") into actually a list of all vocabularies.
        $bundles = synonyms_bundle_normalize('taxonomy_term', $vocabularies);
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
        $condition = db_and();
        if ($transform) {
            ->where("REPLACE(" . AbstractSynonymsBehavior::COLUMN_SYNONYM_PLACEHOLDER . ", ' ', '-') = :argument", array(
            ':argument' => $argument,
        else {
            ->condition(AbstractSynonymsBehavior::COLUMN_SYNONYM_PLACEHOLDER, $argument);
        $synonyms = synonyms_synonyms_find($condition, 'taxonomy_term', $bundle);
        if (!empty($synonyms)) {
          $term = taxonomy_term_load($synonyms[0]->entity_id);
          $this->argument->argument = $this
          $this->argument->validated_title = check_plain(entity_label('taxonomy_term', $term));
          return TRUE;

      // We haven't found any synonym that matched our argument, so there is
      // no term to return.
      return FALSE;
      return parent::validate_argument($argument);