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protected function AbstractSynonymsProviderFieldWebTestCase::assertSynonymsFind in Synonyms 7

Test synonymFind method.


array $meta_data: Array of meta data. Each subarray represents a single term and whether it is expected to be included in the return of the method. Should have the following structure:

  • items: (array) Array of field items. Terms will be automatically created with those items
  • found_synonyms: (array) Array of synonyms that are expected to be found for the given term, i.e. if "found_synonyms" is empty, it means the term should not be found for the given $condition. If the "found_synonyms" is not empty, then each element of this array should trigger appearance of the term in the results for the given $condition

QueryConditionInterface $condition: Database condition that will be passed to the synonymsFind method

string $message: Any custom message to be added to the standard one and passed to SimpleTest assertion method

5 calls to AbstractSynonymsProviderFieldWebTestCase::assertSynonymsFind()
CommercePriceSynonymsBehaviorWebTestCase::testCommercePrice in synonyms_commerce/synonyms_commerce.test
Test synonyms extraction for 'commerce_price' field type.
CommerceProductReferenceSynonymsBehaviorWebTestCase::testCommerceProductReference in synonyms_commerce/synonyms_commerce.test
Test synonyms extraction for 'commerce_product_reference' field type.
EntityReferenceSynonymsBehaviorWebTestCase::testEntityReference in synonyms_provider_field/synonyms_provider_field.test
Test synonyms extraction for 'entityreference' field type.
TaxonomySynonymsBehaviorWebTestCase::testTaxonomyTermReference in synonyms_provider_field/synonyms_provider_field.test
Test synonyms extraction for 'taxonomy_term_reference' field type.
TextSynonymsBehaviorWebTestCase::testText in synonyms_provider_field/synonyms_provider_field.test
Test synonyms extraction for 'text' field type.


synonyms_provider_field/synonyms_provider_field.test, line 107
Tests for the Synonyms field provider module.


Base class for all tests that test field-based Synonyms providers.


protected function assertSynonymsFind($meta_data, QueryConditionInterface $condition, $message = '') {
  $message = $this->behavior_implementation['class'] . '::synonymsFind() pass: ' . $message;
  $terms = array();
  foreach ($meta_data as $v) {
    $term = (object) array(
      'name' => $this
      'vid' => $this->vocabulary->vid,
      $this->fields['enabled']['field']['field_name'] => $v['items'],
    $term->found_synonyms = $v['found_synonyms'];
    $terms[] = $term;
  $return = $this->behavior_implementation['object']
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($return as $row) {
    $rows[] = $row;
  $success = TRUE;
  $total_rows_standard = 0;
  $total_rows = 0;
  foreach ($terms as $term) {
    foreach ($term->found_synonyms as $found_synonym) {
      $is_found = FALSE;
      $total_rows = 0;
      foreach ($rows as $row) {
        if ($row->entity_id == $term->tid && $row->synonym == $found_synonym) {
          $is_found = TRUE;
      $success = $success && $is_found;
  $success = $success && $total_rows_standard == $total_rows;
    ->assertTrue($success, $message);

  // Cleaning up.
  foreach ($terms as $term) {