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10 calls to synonyms_behavior_get_all_enabled() in Synonyms 7

synonyms_add_entity_as_synonym in ./synonyms.module
Allow to merge $synonym_entity as a synonym into $trunk_entity.
synonyms_features_export in ./
Implements hook_features_export().
synonyms_features_export_options in ./
Implements hook_features_export_options().
synonyms_features_export_render in ./
Implements hook_features_export_render().
synonyms_get_raw in ./synonyms.module
Retrieve list of raw synonyms of an entity.
synonyms_get_term_synonyms in ./synonyms.module
Public function for retrieving synonyms of a taxonomy term.
synonyms_provider_field_field_delete_instance in synonyms_provider_field/synonyms_provider_field.module
Implements hook_field_delete_instance().
synonyms_synonyms_fields in ./synonyms.module
Return array of field names that are sources of synonyms.
synonyms_synonyms_find in ./synonyms.module
Look up entities by their synonyms.
synonyms_update_7103 in ./synonyms.install
Expanding Synonyms module to work with all entity types.