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public function FormatWordingTrait::synonymFormatWording in Synonyms 2.0.x

Format a synonym into wording as requested by configuration.


string $synonym: Synonym that should be formatted.

\Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity: Entity to which this synonym belongs.

\Drupal\synonyms\SynonymInterface $synonym_config: Synonym config entity in the context of which it all happens.

string $service_id: The behavior service (widget) ID.

Return value

string Formatted wording


src/ProviderInterface/FormatWordingTrait.php, line 28


Trait to format wording of a synonym.




public function synonymFormatWording($synonym, ContentEntityInterface $entity, SynonymInterface $synonym_config, $service_id) {

  // @todo Maybe we should use tokens replacement here? But then it would mean
  // an extra dependency on the tokens module. Is it worth it? For now let's
  // use stupid str_replace() and incorporate tokens only if user base really
  // asks for it.
  $wording_type = \Drupal::config('synonyms.settings')

  // If the wording type is 'No wording' it's simple.
  if ($wording_type == 'none') {
    return $synonym;
  else {
    $wording = '';
    $plugin_definition = $synonym_config
    $entity_type = $plugin_definition['controlled_entity_type'];
    $bundle = $plugin_definition['controlled_bundle'];

    // Try widget's wording per entity type and provider.
    if ($wording_type == 'provider') {
      $provider_configuration = $synonym_config
      if (isset($provider_configuration['wording'])) {
        $get_wording = $provider_configuration['wording'];
      $wording = !empty($get_wording) ? $get_wording : $wording;

    // Try widget's wording per entity type.
    if (empty($wording) && ($wording_type == 'provider' || $wording_type == 'entity')) {
      $get_wording = \Drupal::config('synonyms_' . $service_id . '.behavior.' . $entity_type . '.' . $bundle)
      $wording = !empty($get_wording) ? $get_wording : $wording;

    // Try default widget's wording and if it is empty as well
    // fallback to basic '@synonym' wording.
    if (empty($wording) && ($wording_type == 'provider' || $wording_type == 'entity' || $wording_type == 'default')) {
      $get_wording = \Drupal::config('synonyms_' . $service_id . '.settings')
      $wording = !empty($get_wording) ? $get_wording : $wording;

    // Ultimate fallback if all other wordings are empty.
    if (empty($wording)) {
      $wording = '@synonym';
    $definitions = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')
      ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type, $bundle);
    $field_label = $definitions[$plugin_definition['field']]
    $map = [
      '@synonym' => $synonym,
      '@entity_label' => $entity
      '@field_label' => strtolower($field_label),
      '@FIELD_LABEL' => strtoupper($field_label),
    return str_replace(array_keys($map), array_values($map), $wording);