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7 calls to swiftmailer_remove_header() in Swift Mailer 7

swiftmailer_add_date_header in includes/helpers/
Adds a date header to a message.
swiftmailer_add_id_header in includes/helpers/
Adds an id header to a message.
swiftmailer_add_mailbox_header in includes/helpers/
Adds a mailbox header to a message.
swiftmailer_add_parameterized_header in includes/helpers/
Adds a parameterized header to a message.
swiftmailer_add_path_header in includes/helpers/
Adds a path header to a message.
swiftmailer_add_text_header in includes/helpers/
Adds a text header to a message.
SWIFTMailSystem::mail in includes/classes/
Sends a message composed by drupal_mail().