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views-view-swftools.tpl.php in SWF Tools 6.3

Template for generating a Views based playlist and player.

We iterate in here and not the process function because we want the user to be able to modify this template easily. The code below builds a playlist ready to go SWF Tools. We don't do it in template_preprocess_views_view_swftools() because if the you are supplying arbitrary data to pass on to a playlist then we don't want to have to iterate again. Note that the code below includes a call to a function that will automatically take care of assigning the fileurl, the image thumbnail and a title if these are set on the options form.

You can then add additional data to the playlist array as you wish, picking up other fields that have been fetched out of Views. For example, you can fetch the node body and attach it on an element called 'description' and then that can be used by TiltViewer to populate the reverse of the images.


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 * @file
 * Template for generating a Views based playlist and player.
 * We iterate in here and not the process function because we want the user to
 * be able to modify this template easily. The code below builds a playlist
 * ready to go SWF Tools. We don't do it in template_preprocess_views_view_swftools()
 * because if the you are supplying arbitrary data to pass on to a playlist then
 * we don't want to have to iterate again. Note that the code below includes a
 * call to a function that will automatically take care of assigning the fileurl,
 * the image thumbnail and a title if these are set on the options form.
 * You can then add additional data to the playlist array as you wish, picking up
 * other fields that have been fetched out of Views. For example, you can fetch
 * the node body and attach it on an element called 'description' and then that
 * can be used by TiltViewer to populate the reverse of the images.

// Get the fields we are using
$keys = array_keys($view->field);

// Initialise a playlist ready for SWF Tools
$files = array();

//  Iterate over each row of the results - this is a clever bit of processing to match files with their thumbnails
foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {

  // Reset the work array
  $work = array();

  // Render each field in this row using the assigned handler
  foreach ($keys as $id) {
    $work[$id] = $view->field[$id]

  // Add this item to the playlist
  swftools_views_add_playlist_element($files, $key, $options, $work);

   * If you want to add arbitrary data to the playlist then you can do so here
   * Add your additional elements to $files[$key]['myKey'] = myValue
   * Rendered fields are available in $work[$id] where $id is the field name.
   * See to see mappings available by default

// Call swf to output the result
print swf($files, $swftools['options']);