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Functions in SWF Tools 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
swftools_json_params ./swftools.module 3
swftools_menu ./swftools.module Implementation of hook_menu().
swftools_methods_available ./swftools.module Collect information from all modules about the Flash players, tools and scripts available for various actions. 7
swftools_perm ./swftools.module Implementation of hook_perm().
swftools_prepare_playlist_data ./swftools.module This function is a work in progress. 1
swftools_push_js ./swftools.module 1
swftools_simpleviewer_playlist simpleviewer/simpleviewer.module
swftools_status ./ Generate a status report for SWF Tools methods / players / media defaults 1
swftools_swftools_embed ./swftools.module Implementation of swftools_embed hook Returns the markup for the page. This method generates standards compliant HTML
swftools_swftools_flashvars ./swftools.module Implementation of swftools_flashvars hook For a random swf file there are no vars to add.
swftools_theme ./swftools.module Implementation of hook_theme
swftools_uninstall ./swftools.install
swftools_url_parse ./swftools.module 1
swftools_wijering4_mediaplayer_playlist wijering4/wijering4.module
swftools_wijering_imagerotator_playlist imagerotator/imagerotator.module
swftools_wijering_mediaplayer_playlist wijering/wijering.module
swf_list ./swftools.module Output a playlist via a flash file. Note that $playlist_data has a specific format that will be documented later. 1
theme_swftools_embed ./swftools.module
ufo_swftools_embed ufo/ufo.module Implementation of swftools_embed hook Returns the markup for the page, plus set necessary javascript.
ufo_swftools_methods ufo/ufo.module SWF Tools - UFO
wijering4_admin_form wijering4/ 1
wijering4_help wijering4/wijering4.module Implementation of hook_help
wijering4_menu wijering4/wijering4.module Implementation of hook_menu().
wijering4_swftools_flashvars wijering4/wijering4.module Implementation of swftools_flashvars hook. Return an array of flashvars.
wijering4_swftools_methods wijering4/wijering4.module Implementation of swftools_methods hook Report methods back to SWF Tools
wijering4_swftools_variable_mapping wijering4/wijering4.module
wijering_admin_form wijering/ 1
wijering_help wijering/wijering.module Implementation of hook_help
wijering_menu wijering/wijering.module Implementation of hook_menu().
wijering_swftools_flashvars wijering/wijering.module Implementation of swftools_flashvars hook. Return an array of flashvars.
wijering_swftools_methods wijering/wijering.module Implementation of swftools_methods hook Report methods back to SWF Tools
wijering_swftools_variable_mapping wijering/wijering.module
_flowplayer_flashvars flowplayer/flowplayer.module This function is called from flowplayer_swftools_flashvars() which is called from swf() It will return the default flashvar configuration, just prior to any overrides passed into swf(). We start with the settings defined on admin/swf/wijering which… 1
_flowplayer_options flowplayer/flowplayer.module flashvar and param option arrays. These are used for options settings in the configuration screen. 1
_flowplayer_settings flowplayer/flowplayer.module These are the default settings as they are stored in the database and displayed on the settings page. 2
_imagerotator_flashvars imagerotator/imagerotator.module This function is called from imagerotator_swftools_flashvars() which is called from swf() It will return the default flashvar configuration, just prior to any overrides passed into swf(). We start with the settings defined on… 1
_imagerotator_options imagerotator/imagerotator.module flashvar and param option arrays. These are used for options settings in the configuration screen. 2
_imagerotator_settings imagerotator/imagerotator.module These are the default settings as they are stored in the database and displayed on the settings page. 2
_lutman_header_js lutman/lutman.module The jQuery code that will try to replace all elements after the page loads. This parses the JSON out of the 'data' attribute of all swftools-embed divs. 1
_onepixelout_flashvars onepixelout/onepixelout.module This function takes the module settings and massages them as required for flashvar output. 1
_onepixelout_settings onepixelout/onepixelout.module These are the default settings as they are stored in the database and displayed on the settings page. 2
_simpleviewer_vars simpleviewer/simpleviewer.module These are the default options and flashvars. 2
_swfobject_header_js swfobject/swfobject.module The jQuery code that will try to replace all elements after the page loads. This parses the JSON out of the 'swftools' attribute of all class="swfobject" divs. 1
_swftools_admin_file_handling_option ./ 1
_swftools_filter_process_text ./swftools.module 1
_swftools_get_flashvars_string ./swftools.module "flashvars" is a parameter like height and width, which are passed into the flash player as a=1&b=2&... 1
_swftools_options ./ flashvar and param option arrays. These are used for options settings in the configuration screen and also as a lookup (particularly 'bool') to output the correct value for to html. 1
_swftools_params ./swftools.module These are the default params. 1
_swftools_status_embedding ./ Generate a status report for embedding methods Called from swftools_status() and returns markup 1
_swftools_status_players ./ Generate a status report for the player modules and media defaults Called from swftools_status() and returns markup 1


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