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swftools-flowplayer3-playlist.tpl.php in SWF Tools 6.3

Template for a Flowplayer 3 playlist.


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 * @file
 * Template for a Flowplayer 3 playlist.

 * Prepare themeable output for a playlist
 * The markup is placed in a template so that it can be easily over-ridden by the theme system
 * to allow flexibility
 * This template is quite complex as it must produce the container for the player, the playlist
 * container that will be duplicated, and the JavaScript code. The template has to produce the
 * JavaScript too as the calling module has no way of knowing how the playlist is going to be
 * built, so it cannot produce the required script itself.
 * Available variables:
 * - $data: The data array that defines this player
 * - $parameters: The parameters to generate a player as part of the $f() call.
 * - $config: The configuration string for the player.
 * - $settings: The settings for this player instance.
 * - $load_player: Whether the load the player immediately (TRUE) or only when the player is activated (FALSE)


 * If we are using scrollable playlists then ouptut the additional containers


if ($settings['playlists']['scrollable']) {
<div class="swftools-flowplayer3-playlist-container">
<a class="go up"></a>
<div class="swftools-flowplayer3-playlist">



 * This markup defines a playlist container - it will be repeated with each playlist element

<div class="<?php

print $data['othervars']['id'];
?> clips <?php

print $settings['playlists']['style'] == 'gray' ? '' : 'petrol';
    <!-- single playlist entry as an "template" --> 
    <a href="${url}"> 

if ($settings['playlists']['images']) {
          <img class="swftoolsImage" src="" height="46" width="61" alt="" />

        ${title} <span>${artist}</span>



 * Close the additional containers we added for scrollable playlists


if ($settings['playlists']['scrollable']) {
<a class="go down"></a>



 * This markup defines the container for the actual player to be placed in

<div id="<?php

print $data['othervars']['id'];
?>" class="swftools-flowplayer3-container">


// Only place html_alt on the page if the player is not going to be automatically activated
print $load_player ? '' : $data['othervars']['html_alt'];


 * This markup defines the script to activate the player and populate the playlist
 * Note that we also set the container height and width in here!

<script type="text/javascript">

print $data['othervars']['id'];
?>", <?php

print $parameters;
?>, <?php

print $config;


print $data['othervars']['id'];

print $data['othervars']['height'];

print $data['othervars']['width'];