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public function SWFObject::noFlash in SWF Embed 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 swfembed.module \SWFObject::noFlash()

Specify the text that will be used if Flash is disabled or not available.

This may be any HTML fragment. WARNING: This fragment is assumed to already be filtered. It will not be filtered again. It is up to you to ensure that any HTML has been run through filter_xss(), check_plain(), or similar before you use it.


$html: The HTML fragment to use.

Return value

The flashy object.


./swfembed.module, line 378
The main file for swfembed.


Generic data object for describing an SWF configuration.


public function noFlash($html) {
  $this->noFlash = $html;
  return $this;