public function SWFObject::minimumVersion in SWF Embed 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 swfembed.module \SWFObject::minimumVersion()
Set the minimum version of the Flash player. This will check the client flash player to make sure it is at least at the minimum version. A version number can be of any of these three forms:
- Major: 9
- Major.Minor: 9.1
- Major.Minor.Release: 9.1.124
$version: The version string.
Return value
The called object.
- ./
swfembed.module, line 416 - The main file for swfembed.
- SWFObject
- Generic data object for describing an SWF configuration.
public function minimumVersion($version) {
$this->minimumVersion = $version;
return $this;