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10 calls to sweaver_object_load() in Sweaver 7

sweaver_ctools_object_list in ./sweaver.module
Helper function to return list for CTools.
sweaver_drush_css_to_json in drush/
Convert the stylesheet back to JSON format.
sweaver_drush_json_to_css in drush/
Convert the properties which are collected by the editor. They are saved in the database as a JSON object but all properties do not have their pre- and/or suffix on them.
sweaver_object_form_validate in plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/
Object new/edit validate callback.
sweaver_plugin_editor::sweaver_form in plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/
Frontend form.
sweaver_plugin_editor::sweaver_form_css_js in plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/
Frontend css and js.
sweaver_plugin_editor_config_editor in plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/
Editor form.
sweaver_plugin_editor_objects_list in plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/
Sweaver objects list.
sweaver_property_form in plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/
Property new/edit form.
sweaver_rebuild_containers in ./sweaver.module
Rebuild properties' containers