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public function sweaver_plugin_editor::sweaver_form_render in Sweaver 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/ \sweaver_plugin_editor::sweaver_form_render()

Frontend form render.

Overrides sweaver_plugin::sweaver_form_render


plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/, line 244
Properties editor class.


@file Properties editor class.


public function sweaver_form_render(&$vars, &$form, $plugin) {
  $name = $plugin['name'];
  $vars['tabs'][$name]['#tab_name'] = $form[$name]['#tab_name'];
  $vars['tabs_data'][$name]['#tab_description'] = $form[$name]['#tab_description'];
  $output = '';
  $output .= '<div id="sweaver-editor" class="clearfix">';

  // Tab switcher.
  $output .= drupal_render($form[$name]['form']['editor_switcher']);

  // Containers.
  $vertical_tabs = '';
  $containers = '';
  foreach ($form[$name]['form']['#editor_containers'] as $key => $container_value) {

    // Set the first tab as active by default.
    $tab_class = '';
    if ($key == 'one') {
      $tab_class = 'class="active"';

    // Combine all vertical tabs.
    $vertical_tabs .= '<div id="tab-' . $key . '" class="vertical-tab"><a href="#" ' . $tab_class . '>' . $container_value['title'] . '</a></div>';

    //TODO: All of the container count method has to be rethought

    // Combine all properties in containers.
    $i = 0;
    $container_count = 1;
    $container_total = 1;
    foreach ($container_value['properties'] as $property) {

      if (isset($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#theme'])) {
        if ($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#theme'] == 'table') {
          $form[$name]['form'][$property]['#rows'] = $this
            ->sweaver_recursive_table_element($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#rows'], $form[$name]['form'][$property]);
          $i = 4;

          // The container is closed after the table
        elseif ($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#name'] == 'background-image') {
          $i = 4;

          // The container is closed after the table
      if ($i == 5) {
        $i = 0;
    $i = 0;
    $containers .= '<div id="container-' . $key . '" class="container-wrapper">';
    foreach ($container_value['properties'] as $property) {
      if ($i == 0) {

        // Add first/last classes to the containers.
        $container_class = '';
        if ($container_count == 1) {
          $container_class .= ' container-first';
        if ($container_total == $container_count) {
          $container_class .= ' container-last';
        $containers .= '<div class="container ' . $container_class . '"><div class="container-inner">';
      if (isset($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#theme'])) {
        if ($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#theme'] == 'table') {
          $form[$name]['form'][$property]['#rows'] = $this
            ->sweaver_recursive_table_element($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#rows'], $form[$name]['form'][$property]);
          $i = 4;

          // The container is closed after the table
        elseif ($form[$name]['form'][$property]['#name'] == 'background-image') {
          $i = 4;

          // The container is closed after the table
      $containers .= drupal_render($form[$name]['form'][$property]);
      if ($i == 5) {
        $containers .= '</div></div>';
        $i = 0;
    if ($i != 0) {
      $containers .= '</div></div>';
    $containers .= '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="vertical-tabs">' . $vertical_tabs . '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="vertical-content">' . $containers . '</div>';
  $output .= '</div>';
  $vars['tabs_data'][$name]['content'] = $output;