superfish.module in Superfish 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
The jQuery Superfish plugin for Drupal menus.
superfish.moduleView source
* @file
* The jQuery Superfish plugin for Drupal menus.
use Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
* Implements hook_block_view_BASE_BLOCK_ID_alter().
function superfish_block_view_superfish_alter(array &$build, BlockPluginInterface $block) {
$menu_name = $block
$build['#contextual_links']['menu'] = [
'route_parameters' => [
'menu' => $menu_name,
* Implements hook_libraries_info().
function superfish_libraries_info() {
$libraries['superfish'] = [
'name' => 'superfish',
'vendor url' => '',
'download url' => '',
'version callback' => 'superfish_library_version',
'files' => [
'js' => [
'css' => [
return $libraries;
* Implements hook_library_info_build().
function superfish_library_info_build() {
$libraries = [];
if ($superfish_library_path = superfish_library_path()) {
$superfish_library_path = '/' . $superfish_library_path;
$libraries = [
'superfish' => [
'remote' => '',
'version' => '2.0',
'license' => [
'name' => 'MIT',
'gpl-compatible' => FALSE,
'js' => [
'js/superfish.js' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'init' => [
'js' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/superfish.js' => [],
'css' => [
'base' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/css/superfish.css' => [],
'superfish_hoverintent' => [
'js' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js' => [
'minified' => TRUE,
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_smallscreen' => [
'js' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/sfsmallscreen.js' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_touchscreen' => [
'js' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/sftouchscreen.js' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_supersubs' => [
'js' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/supersubs.js' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_supposition' => [
'js' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/supposition.js' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_style_black' => [
'css' => [
'theme' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/style/black/black.css' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_style_blue' => [
'css' => [
'theme' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/style/blue/blue.css' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_style_coffee' => [
'css' => [
'theme' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/style/coffee/coffee.css' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_style_default' => [
'css' => [
'theme' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/style/default/default.css' => [],
'dependencies' => [
'superfish_style_white' => [
'css' => [
'theme' => [
$superfish_library_path . '/style/white/white.css' => [],
'dependencies' => [
if ($easing_library_path = superfish_library_path('easing')) {
$easing_library_path = '/' . $easing_library_path;
$libraries += [
'superfish_easing' => [
'js' => [
$easing_library_path . '/jquery.easing.js' => [],
return $libraries;
* Returns the Superfish library folder location.
function superfish_library_path($library = 'superfish') {
$directory = FALSE;
// Ensure the Libraries API module is installed and working.
if (function_exists('libraries_get_path')) {
$directory = libraries_get_path($library);
if ($directory) {
return $directory;
elseif (ucfirst($library) !== $library) {
$directory = libraries_get_path(ucfirst($library));
if ($directory) {
return $directory;
// Otherwise use the default directory.
if (\Drupal::hasContainer()) {
$profile = \Drupal::installProfile();
else {
$profile = BootstrapConfigStorageFactory::getDatabaseStorage()
if (file_exists('profiles/' . $profile . '/libraries/' . $library)) {
$directory = 'profiles/' . $profile . '/libraries/' . $library;
elseif (file_exists('profiles/contrib/' . $profile . '/libraries/' . $library)) {
$directory = 'profiles/contrib/' . $profile . '/libraries/' . $library;
elseif (file_exists('profiles/custom/' . $profile . '/libraries/' . $library)) {
$directory = 'profiles/custom/' . $profile . '/libraries/' . $library;
elseif (file_exists('libraries/' . $library)) {
$directory = 'libraries/' . $library;
elseif (file_exists('sites/all/libraries/' . $library)) {
$directory = 'sites/all/libraries/' . $library;
elseif (file_exists('sites/default/libraries/' . $library)) {
$directory = 'sites/default/libraries/' . $library;
if (!$directory && ucfirst($library) !== $library) {
$directory = superfish_library_path(ucfirst($library));
return $directory;
* Verifies Superfish library is present.
function superfish_library_check() {
if (function_exists('libraries_get_libraries')) {
$library = libraries_get_libraries();
if (isset($library['superfish']) || isset($library['Superfish'])) {
return TRUE;
else {
$directory = superfish_library_path();
if ($directory && file_exists($directory . '/superfish.js')) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Checks Superfish library version.
function superfish_library_version() {
// Get the library version.
if (($directory = superfish_library_path()) && file_exists($directory . '/VERSION')) {
$version = file_get_contents($directory . '/VERSION');
if ($version === FALSE) {
return NULL;
// Removing blank lines and white spaces.
$version = preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", trim($version));
if (!empty($version)) {
return $version;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Generate a list of available slide-in effects.
function superfish_effects() {
$output = [
'none' => '- ' . t('None') . ' -',
'vertical' => t('Vertical'),
'horizontal' => t('Horizontal'),
'diagonal' => t('Diagonal'),
if (superfish_library_path('easing')) {
$easing_types = [
'easeInSine_vertical' => 'easeInSine (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInSine_horizontal' => 'easeInSine (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInSine_diagonal' => 'easeInSine (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInQuint_vertical' => 'easeInQuint (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInQuint_horizontal' => 'easeInQuint (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInQuint_diagonal' => 'easeInQuint (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInQuart_vertical' => 'easeInQuart (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInQuart_horizontal' => 'easeInQuart (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInQuart_diagonal' => 'easeInQuart (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInQuad_vertical' => 'easeInQuad (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInQuad_horizontal' => 'easeInQuad (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInQuad_diagonal' => 'easeInQuad (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInExpo_vertical' => 'easeInExpo (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInExpo_horizontal' => 'easeInExpo (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInExpo_diagonal' => 'easeInExpo (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInElastic_vertical' => 'easeInElastic (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInElastic_horizontal' => 'easeInElastic (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInElastic_diagonal' => 'easeInElastic (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInCubic_vertical' => 'easeInCubic (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInCubic_horizontal' => 'easeInCubic (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInCubic_diagonal' => 'easeInCubic (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInCirc_vertical' => 'easeInCirc (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInCirc_horizontal' => 'easeInCirc (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInCirc_diagonal' => 'easeInCirc (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInBounce_vertical' => 'easeInBounce (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInBounce_horizontal' => 'easeInBounce (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInBounce_diagonal' => 'easeInBounce (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
'easeInBack_vertical' => 'easeInBack (' . t('Vertical') . ')',
'easeInBack_horizontal' => 'easeInBack (' . t('Horizontal') . ')',
'easeInBack_diagonal' => 'easeInBack (' . t('Diagonal') . ')',
$output = array_merge($output, $easing_types);
return $output;
* Helper function to clean up arrays.
function superfish_array_filter($haystack) {
foreach ($haystack as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$haystack[$key] = superfish_array_filter($haystack[$key]);
elseif (empty($value) && is_bool($value) !== TRUE) {
if ($haystack[$key] != '0') {
return $haystack;
* Implements hook_theme().
function superfish_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
return [
'superfish' => [
'render element' => 'element',
'file' => '',
'superfish_menu_items' => [
'render element' => 'element',
'file' => '',
'superfish_help' => [
'variables' => [
'title' => NULL,
'content' => NULL,
'template' => 'superfish--help',
* Implements hook_help().
function superfish_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
case '':
$output = [
'#theme' => 'superfish_help',
'#title' => t('About Superfish'),
'#content' => t('<a href="@url_module">Superfish module</a> integrates <a href="@url_library">jQuery Superfish</a> plugin to your Drupal menu blocks. Please refer to the module <a href="@url_documentation">documentation</a> for more information.', [
'@url_library' => '',
'@url_module' => '',
'@url_documentation' => '',
return $output;
Name![]() |
Description |
superfish_array_filter | Helper function to clean up arrays. |
superfish_block_view_superfish_alter | Implements hook_block_view_BASE_BLOCK_ID_alter(). |
superfish_effects | Generate a list of available slide-in effects. |
superfish_help | Implements hook_help(). |
superfish_libraries_info | Implements hook_libraries_info(). |
superfish_library_check | Verifies Superfish library is present. |
superfish_library_info_build | Implements hook_library_info_build(). |
superfish_library_path | Returns the Superfish library folder location. |
superfish_library_version | Checks Superfish library version. |
superfish_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |