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KeyValueTests.php in Supercache 8

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  1. 2.0.x src/Tests/Generic/KeyValue/KeyValueTests.php


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namespace Drupal\supercache\Tests\Generic\KeyValue;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;

 * Basic testing for KeyValue storage.
abstract class KeyValueTests extends KernelTestBase {

   * The cache factory.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueFactoryInterface
  protected $factory;

   * Test that tag invalidations work.
  public function testKeyValue() {
    $col1 = [
      'array' => [
        'B' => 23,
      'string' => 'asdgsd',
      'object' => (object) [
        'property1' => 'value1',
      'float' => 7.0E-10,
      'int' => 58,
    $col2 = [
      'array' => [
        'B' => 65,
      'string' => 'this is a string',
      'object' => (object) [
        'propertyA' => 'valueA',
      'float' => 3.0E-10,
      'int' => 21,
    $storeA = $this->factory
    $storeB = $this->factory

    // Set multiple.
      ->assertEquals(count($col1), count($storeA
      ->getAll()), 'Number of items match.');

    // Get all.
      ->assertEquals($col1, $storeA
      ->getAll(), 'Elements are properly stored and retrieved.');

    // Set if not exists.
      ->setIfNotExists('array', [
      ->assertEquals($col1['array'], $storeA

    // Default value.
      ->get('does not exist', 'default'), 'default', 'Default values working');

    // Delete
      ->assertEquals(count($col1) - 1, count($storeA
      ->getAll()), 'Item deleted.');

    // Set
      ->set('Hi', 'value');
      ->assertEquals('value', $storeA
      ->get('Hi'), 'Setting a value works.');

    // Delete all.
      ->assertEquals(0, count($storeA
      ->getAll()), 'Items removed.');

    // Delete multiple.
      ->assertEquals(count($col1), count($storeA
      ->getAll()), 'Number of items match.');
      ->assertEquals(0, count($storeA
      ->getAll()), 'Items removed.');

    // Empty unused.
      ->assertEquals(0, count($storeB
      ->getAll()), 'Unused collection is empty.');

    // Collection name
      ->assertEquals('col1', $storeA
      ->getCollectionName(), 'Collection name matches.');
      ->assertEquals('col2', $storeB
      ->getCollectionName(), 'Collection name matches.');

    // Regenerate the factory
    $storeA = $this->factory
    $storeB = $this->factory
      ->assertEquals($col1, $storeA
      ->getAll(), 'Elements are properly stored and retrieved.');
      ->assertEquals($col2, $storeB
      ->getAll(), 'Elements are properly stored and retrieved.');

    // Rename
    try {
        ->rename('array', 'string');
        ->fail("Trying to rename to a key that exists should throw an exception.");
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      ->rename('array', 'string');
      ->assertEquals($col1['array'], $storeA
      ->get('string'), 'Rename works.');
      ->has('array'), 'Rename removed old key.');



Namesort descending Description
KeyValueTests Basic testing for KeyValue storage.