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namespace Drupal\supercache\KeyValueStore in Supercache 8

Same name in other branches
  1. 2.0.x Drupal\supercache\KeyValueStore
Classsort descending Location Description
ChainedStorage src/KeyValueStore/ChainedStorage.php Defines a chained key value storage that uses any cache backend on top of the database default key/value storage.
ChainedStorageExpirable src/KeyValueStore/ChainedStorageExpirable.php Defines a default key/value store implementation for expiring items.
ChainedStorageTrait src/KeyValueStore/ChainedStorageTrait.php
KeyValueChainedExpirableFactory src/KeyValueStore/KeyValueChainedExpirableFactory.php Defines the key/value store factory for the wincache/databse backend.
KeyValueChainedFactory src/KeyValueStore/KeyValueChainedFactory.php Defines the key/value store factory for the database backend.