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subscriptions_taxonomy.module in Subscriptions 6

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  1. 5.2 subscriptions_taxonomy.module
  2. 7 subscriptions_taxonomy.module

Subscriptions to taxonomy terms.

Subscriptions_taxonomy extends the subscription module to allow users to subscribe by taxonomy term. If a user subscribes to a term he will receive notifications each time a node is published to that taxonomy term. The user can also select to receive notifications when such a node is updated or commented.


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 * @file
 * Subscriptions to taxonomy terms.
 * Subscriptions_taxonomy extends the subscription module to allow users to
 * subscribe by taxonomy term. If a user subscribes to a term he will receive
 * notifications each time a node is published to that taxonomy term. The user
 * can also select to receive notifications when such a node is updated or
 * commented.

 * Implementation of hook_subscriptions().
 * @ingroup hooks
function subscriptions_taxonomy_subscriptions($op, $arg0 = NULL, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) {
  static $stypes = array(
    'taxa' => array(
  $function = '_subscriptions_taxonomy_' . $op;
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    return $function($arg0, $arg1, $arg2);
  switch ($op) {
    case 'queue':

      // $arg0 is $event array.
      if ($arg0['module'] == 'node') {
        $node = $arg0['node'];
        $params['node']['tid'] = array(
          'join' => 'INNER JOIN {term_node} tn ON s.value = ' . ($GLOBALS['db_type'] == 'pgsql' ? 'CAST(' : '') . 'tn.tid' . ($GLOBALS['db_type'] == 'pgsql' ? ' AS VARCHAR)' : ''),
          'where' => 'tn.nid = %d',
          'args' => array(
          'groupby' => 'GROUP BY u.uid, tn.nid' . ($GLOBALS['db_type'] != 'pgsql' ? '' : ', s.module, s.field, s.value, s.author_uid, s.send_interval, su.digest, last_sent, su.suspended'),
        if ($arg0['type'] == 'comment') {
          $where = ' AND s.send_comments = 1';
        elseif ($arg0['type'] == 'node' && $arg0['action'] == 'update') {
          $where = ' AND s.send_updates = 1';
        if (isset($where)) {
          $params['node']['tid']['where'] .= $where;
        return $params;
    case 'fields':

      // Parameter is module
      if ($arg0 == 'node' || $arg0 == 'comment') {
        $tr = 't';
        return array(
          'tid' => array(
            'mailvars_function' => '_subscriptions_content_node_mailvars',
            'mailkey' => 'subscriptions_taxonomy_node-tid',
            '!subs_type' => $tr('category'),
    case 'stypes':
      return $stypes;
    case 'stype':
      return isset($stypes[$arg0]) ? array_merge($stypes[$arg0], array(
      )) : NULL;

 * Implementation of hook_node_options(), subhook of hook_subscriptions().
 * This is called by subscriptions_ui_node_form() in subscriptions_ui.module.
 * @ingroup form
 * @ingroup hooks
 * @see subscriptions_ui_node_form()
function _subscriptions_taxonomy_node_options($account, $node) {
  if (!isset($node->taxonomy) || !is_array($node->taxonomy) || !user_access('subscribe to taxonomy terms')) {
  $options = array();
  $vids_to_omit = variable_get('subscriptions_omitted_taxa', array());
  foreach ($node->taxonomy as $tid => $term) {

    // Taxonomy term
    if (in_array($term->vid, $vids_to_omit)) {
    $options['tid'][] = array(
      'name' => t('To content in %term', array(
        '%term' => $term->name,
      'params' => array(
        'module' => 'node',
        'field' => 'tid',
        'value' => $tid,
      'link' => 'taxa/' . $tid,
    $options['tid'][] = array(
      'name' => t('To content in %term by %name', array(
        '%term' => $term->name,
        '%name' => $node->uid ? check_plain($node->name) : variable_get('anonymous', '???'),
      'params' => array(
        'module' => 'node',
        'field' => 'tid',
        'value' => $tid,
        'author_uid' => $node->uid,
      'link' => 'taxa/' . $tid . '/' . $node->uid,
    $options['tid']['weight'] = -1;
  return $options;

 * Implementation of hook_types(), subhook of hook_subscriptions().
 * This is called by subscriptions_types() in subscriptions.module.
 * @return
 *   Returns information about types for Subscriptions module interface.
 * @ingroup form
 * @ingroup hooks
 * @see subscriptions_types()
function _subscriptions_taxonomy_types() {
  $tr = 't';
  $types['taxa'] = array(
    'title' => 'Categories',
    'access' => 'subscribe to taxonomy terms',
    'page' => 'subscriptions_taxonomy_page_taxa',
    'fields' => array(
    'weight' => -1,
  return $types;
  t('subscribe to taxonomy terms');

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
 * Adds the Taxonomy Settings part to admin/settings/subscriptions.
 * @ingroup hooks
 * @ingroup form
function subscriptions_taxonomy_form_subscriptions_settings_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  global $user;
  $tr = 't';
  $form['taxonomy'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Taxonomy settings'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#weight' => -8,
  $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
  $select[0] = '<' . t('none') . '>';
  foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) {
    $select[$vocabulary->vid] = check_plain($vocabulary->name);
  $form['taxonomy']['subscriptions_restricted_taxa'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Restricted vocabularies'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('subscriptions_restricted_taxa', array()),
    '#options' => $select,
    '#description' => t('Select vocabularies for which only the subscribed terms should be listed on the %Subscriptions | %Categories page.<br />This helps to reduce the size of the listing, especially for free-tagging vocabularies with large numbers of terms.', array(
      '%Subscriptions' => t('Subscriptions'),
      '%Categories' => $tr('Categories'),
    '#multiple' => TRUE,
  $form['taxonomy']['subscriptions_omitted_taxa'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Omitted vocabularies'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('subscriptions_omitted_taxa', array()),
    '#options' => $select,
    '#description' => t('Select vocabularies which should be <strong>omitted</strong> from subscription listings; this means the terms of those vocabularies will be unlisted, i.e. they will be removed from subscription listings.<br />The content may still be available for subscribing via different kinds of subscriptions, but subscribing by category will be unavailable for the terms in the selected vocabularies.'),
    '#multiple' => TRUE,

  // @ TODO write the code that supports this setting

  $form['taxonomy']['subscriptions_allow_vid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Allow vocabularies subscription'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('subscriptions_allow_vid', 1),
    '#description' => t('Allow users to subscribe to an entire vocabluary of terms.'),

 * Returns a list of taxonomy subscriptions.
 * @ingroup form
function subscriptions_taxonomy_page_taxa($account, $form) {

  // traverse the taxonomy tree
  $vocabularies = function_exists('taxonomy_help') ? taxonomy_get_vocabularies() : array();

  // omit undesired vocabularies from listing
  $omits = variable_get('subscriptions_omitted_taxa', array());
  foreach ($omits as $omit) {
  if ($vocabularies) {
    return drupal_get_form('subscriptions_taxonomy_taxa_form', $vocabularies, $account, $form);
  else {
    return t('There are no available !subs_types.', array(
      '!subs_types' => t('category groups'),

 * Build the Categories subscription form at user/UID/subscriptions/taxa.
 * @ingroup form
function subscriptions_taxonomy_taxa_form(&$form_state, $vocabularies, $account, $form) {
  $subscriptions = array();
  $bulk_op = empty($_SESSION['subscriptions']['bulk_op']) ? '' : $_SESSION['subscriptions']['bulk_op'];
  if ($bulk_op) {

    // No initialization for bulk subscription.
  else {
    $arg5 = subscriptions_arg(5);
    $uid = isset($account) ? $account->uid : (is_numeric($arg5) ? -$arg5 : -DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID);
    $sql = db_rewrite_sql("\n      SELECT s.value, s.send_interval, s.author_uid, s.send_comments, s.send_updates, t.tid, t.vid,\n      FROM {term_data} t\n      INNER JOIN {subscriptions} s ON " . ($GLOBALS['db_type'] == 'pgsql' ? 'CAST(' : '') . "t.tid" . ($GLOBALS['db_type'] == 'pgsql' ? ' AS VARCHAR)' : '') . " = s.value\n      WHERE s.module = 'node' AND s.field = 'tid' AND s.recipient_uid = %d\n      ORDER BY s.author_uid", 't', 'tid');
    $result = db_query($sql, $uid);
    while ($s = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $subscriptions[$s['vid']][$s['value']][$s['author_uid']] = $s;
      $subscriptions_terms_by_vid[$s['vid']][$s['value']] = $s;
  foreach ($vocabularies as $vocab) {

    // display vocabulary name and group terms together
    $form[$vocab->vid] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => check_plain($vocab->name),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => FALSE,
    $form[$vocab->vid][0] = array(
      '#tree' => TRUE,
      '#theme' => 'subscriptions_form_table',
    $subscriptions_vid = isset($subscriptions[$vocab->vid]) ? $subscriptions[$vocab->vid] : NULL;
    $vids_to_restrict = variable_get('subscriptions_restricted_taxa', array());
    $tree = NULL;
    if (!in_array($vocab->vid, $vids_to_restrict)) {

      // @ TODO create mechanism to allow users to
      //        subscribe to all terms under this vocabulary
      $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vocab->vid);
    else {
      if (isset($subscriptions_terms_by_vid[$vocab->vid])) {
        $tree = $subscriptions_terms_by_vid[$vocab->vid];
        $form[$vocab->vid][1] = array(
          '#type' => 'item',
          '#description' => '<div>' . t('This is a restricted category group; deactivated subscriptions will be removed from the list. To subscribe to an unlisted category, go to a post in that category and subscribe from there.') . '</div>',
    $forum_containers = NULL;
    if (module_exists('forum') && $vocab->vid == variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', '')) {
      $forum_containers = variable_get('forum_containers', array());
    $defaults = array();
    if (isset($tree)) {
      foreach ($tree as $term) {
        if (is_array($term)) {
          $term = (object) $term;
        $depth = empty($term->depth) ? 0 : $term->depth;
        $title = '<span class="indenter">' . str_repeat('--&nbsp;', $depth) . '</span>' . l($term->name, 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid, array(
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => 'depth-' . $depth,
        if (!isset($subscriptions_vid[$term->tid][-1])) {

          // author-less item is missing -- add it here:
          $subscriptions_vid[$term->tid][-1] = array(
            'send_interval' => _subscriptions_get_setting('send_interval', $uid < 0 ? $uid : $account),
            'send_comments' => _subscriptions_get_setting('send_comments', $uid < 0 ? $uid : $account),
            'send_updates' => _subscriptions_get_setting('send_updates', $uid < 0 ? $uid : $account),
            'author_uid' => FALSE,

        // add the active subscriptions
        foreach ($subscriptions_vid[$term->tid] as $author_uid => $subscription) {

          // TODO: support multi-parent hierarchies (currently, the child is not repeated)
          subscriptions_form_helper($form[$vocab->vid][0], $defaults, $author_uid, $term->tid, $title, $subscription);
          if (isset($forum_containers) && in_array($term->tid, $forum_containers)) {
            $tids = array_keys($form[$vocab->vid][0]['checkboxes']);
            $tid = end($tids);
            $form[$vocab->vid][0]['checkboxes'][$tid][-1]['#disabled'] = TRUE;
    else {
      $form[$vocab->vid]['info']['#value'] = '<p>' . t('This is a restricted category group; only subscribed categories show up in this list.<br />To subscribe to a category in this group, go to a post in that category and subscribe from there.') . '</p>';
    $form[$vocab->vid][0]['defaults'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $defaults,
    subscriptions_form_column_filter($form[$vocab->vid][0], $uid);
  if (empty($form)) {
    $form = array(
      '#value' => t('There are no active categories.'),
  else {
    $form['#tree'] = TRUE;
    $form['uid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $bulk_op ? $_SESSION['subscriptions']['uids'] : $uid,
    $form['access_key'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => 'taxa',
    $form['module'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => 'node',
    $form['field'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => 'tid',
    $form['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Save'),
      '#weight' => 10,
    $form['#submit'][] = 'subscriptions_page_form_submit';
  return $form;

 * Implementation of hook_mailkeys().
 * Provide mailkeys for mail_edit.
 * @ingroup hooks
function subscriptions_taxonomy_mailkeys() {
  return array(
    'node-tid' => t('Notifications for %Categories subscriptions', array(
      '%Categories' => t('Categories'),

 * Implementation of hook_mail_edit_tokens_list().
 * Provide replacable tokens for mail_edit.
 * @ingroup hooks
function subscriptions_taxonomy_mail_edit_tokens_list($mailkey, $options = array()) {
  $tokens = array();
  switch ($mailkey) {
    case 'node-tid':
      $tokens['!term_name'] = t('The name of the term/category/tag/forum/etc.');
  if (isset($options['tokens'])) {
    $tokens += $options['tokens'];
  $tokens = subscriptions_content_mail_edit_tokens_list($mailkey, array(
    'tokens' => $tokens,
  return $tokens;

 * Implementation of hook_mail_edit_text().
 * Provide default template strings for mail_edit.
 * @ingroup hooks
function subscriptions_taxonomy_mail_edit_text($mailkey, $language) {
  $return = subscriptions_content_mail_edit_text($mailkey, $language);
  return $return;

 * Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
 * Remove taxonomy subscriptions when the underlying terms or vocabularies are removed.
 * @ingroup hooks
function subscriptions_taxonomy_taxonomy($op, $type, $array) {
  if ($op != 'delete') {
  switch ($type) {
    case 'term':
      $tid = $array['tid'];
      db_query("DELETE FROM {subscriptions_queue} WHERE module = 'node' AND field = 'tid' AND value = '%s'", $tid);
      db_query("DELETE FROM {subscriptions} WHERE module = 'node' AND field = 'tid' AND value = '%s'", $tid);
    case 'vocabulary':
      $vid = $array['vid'];
      foreach (array(
      ) as $key) {
        $array = variable_get('subscriptions_' . $key . '_taxa', array());
        variable_set('subscriptions_' . $key . '_taxa', $array);

 * Implementation of hook_disable().
 * Remove our queue items.
 * @ingroup hooks
function subscriptions_taxonomy_disable() {
  db_query("DELETE FROM {subscriptions_queue} WHERE module = 'node' AND field = 'tid'");


Namesort descending Description
subscriptions_taxonomy_disable Implementation of hook_disable().
subscriptions_taxonomy_form_subscriptions_settings_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter().
subscriptions_taxonomy_mailkeys Implementation of hook_mailkeys().
subscriptions_taxonomy_mail_edit_text Implementation of hook_mail_edit_text().
subscriptions_taxonomy_mail_edit_tokens_list Implementation of hook_mail_edit_tokens_list().
subscriptions_taxonomy_page_taxa Returns a list of taxonomy subscriptions.
subscriptions_taxonomy_subscriptions Implementation of hook_subscriptions().
subscriptions_taxonomy_taxa_form Build the Categories subscription form at user/UID/subscriptions/taxa.
subscriptions_taxonomy_taxonomy Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
_subscriptions_taxonomy_node_options Implementation of hook_node_options(), subhook of hook_subscriptions().
_subscriptions_taxonomy_types Implementation of hook_types(), subhook of hook_subscriptions().