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20 calls to HelperTrait::drupalGet() in Style Switcher 8.2

BlockTest::testBlockExists in tests/src/Functional/BlockTest.php
Tests that the Style Switcher block exists and functions as a normal block.
ConfigTest::setUp in tests/src/Functional/ConfigTest.php
ConfigTest::testActiveStyleOnStyleDelete in tests/src/Functional/ConfigTest.php
Tests active style is replaced with default one when deleted.
ConfigTest::testConfigCustomStyleChangesPath in tests/src/Functional/ConfigTest.php
Tests active style path changes according to the config changes.
CookieTest::testCookie in tests/src/Functional/CookieTest.php
Tests the cookie is set for the whole site.
CookieUpdateTest::testCookieUpdates in tests/src/Functional/CookieUpdateTest.php
Tests cookie updates.
FormTest::testAddStyleExistingName in tests/src/Functional/FormTest.php
Tests a validation error when trying to add a style with existing name.
FormTest::testConfigThemeForm in tests/src/Functional/FormTest.php
Tests the config theme form exists and functions properly.
FormTest::testCustomStyleOps in tests/src/Functional/FormTest.php
Tests add/edit and delete operations with a custom style.
FormTest::testEditStyleExistingName in tests/src/Functional/FormTest.php
Tests a validation error on setting a style other existing name.
FormTest::testEmptyStyleOps in tests/src/Functional/FormTest.php
Tests edit and delete operations with a default empty style.
FormTest::testMainAdminForm in tests/src/Functional/FormTest.php
Tests the main admin form exists and functions.
FormTest::testStylesSettingsOnStyleRename in tests/src/Functional/FormTest.php
Tests the styles settings config changes when a style is renamed via form.
InitialStateTest::testAdminAccess in tests/src/Functional/InitialStateTest.php
Tests access to admin routes.
InitialStateTest::testDynamicLink in tests/src/Functional/InitialStateTest.php
Tests the dynamic link tag exists and it's the last of stylesheets.
InitialStateTest::testModuleConfigureLink in tests/src/Functional/InitialStateTest.php
Tests the Configure link for the Style Switcher exists.
MultiThemeTest::checkStyleFullyApplied in tests/src/Functional/MultiThemeTest.php
Checks the style is fully applied.
MultiThemeTest::testConfigThemeForms in tests/src/Functional/MultiThemeTest.php
Tests config theme forms.
MultiThemeTest::testDynamicLink in tests/src/Functional/MultiThemeTest.php
Tests the dynamic link tag.
MultiThemeTest::testNoJsStyleSwitching in tests/src/Functional/MultiThemeTest.php
Tests style switching without javascript.