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public static function StatsD::getDefaultProperties in StatsD 7.2

Return the default class properties.

Return value

array A hash of name-default_value property descriptions.

2 calls to StatsD::getDefaultProperties()
StatsD::__construct in includes/
Constructor. Copy valid arguments to public properties, ignore others.
statsd_instance in ./statsd.module
Static instance function for StatsD.


includes/, line 40


Sends statistics to the stats daemon over UDP.


public static function getDefaultProperties() {
  $statsd = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);

  // @todo: Find out if this can be done easier with get_object_vars()
  $properties = array();
  $properties['enabled'] = $statsd->enabled;
  $properties['sampleRate'] = $statsd->sampleRate;
  $properties['host'] = $statsd->host;
  $properties['port'] = $statsd->port;
  $properties['prefix'] = $statsd->prefix;
  $properties['suffix'] = $statsd->suffix;
  return $properties;