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public function StateItem::getPossibleOptions in State Machine 8

Returns an array of possible values with labels for display.

If the optional $account parameter is passed, then the array is filtered to values viewable by the account.


\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account: (optional) The user account for which to filter the possible options. If omitted, all possible options are returned.

Return value

array An array of possible options for the object that may be used in an Options widget, for example when existing data should be filtered. It may either be a flat array of option labels keyed by values, or a two-dimensional array of option groups (array of flat option arrays, keyed by option group label). Note that labels should NOT be sanitized.

Overrides OptionsProviderInterface::getPossibleOptions

1 call to StateItem::getPossibleOptions()
StateItem::getPossibleValues in src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/StateItem.php
Returns an array of possible values.


src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/StateItem.php, line 174


Plugin implementation of the 'state' field type.




public function getPossibleOptions(AccountInterface $account = NULL) {
  $workflow = $this
  if (!$workflow) {

    // The workflow is not known yet, the field is probably being created.
    return [];
  $state_labels = array_map(function (WorkflowState $state) {
    return $state
  }, $workflow
  return $state_labels;