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public function state_flow_entity_handler_field_state_flow_states_history_list::render in State Machine 7.3

Render the field.


array $values: The values retrieved from the database.

Overrides views_handler_field::render


modules/state_flow_entity/includes/views/, line 80
A field handler to take a record form {state_flow_states} and load all of the relevant history entities.


@file A field handler to take a record form {state_flow_states} and load all of the relevant history entities.


public function render($values) {

  // @todo, There may be a better place to add this CSS.
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'state_flow_entity') . '/css/state_flow_entity.css');

  // Get the entity type and revision id for the parent entity.
  $revision_id = $this
    ->get_value($values, 'revision_id');
  $entity_type = $this
    ->get_value($values, 'entity_type');

  // An array of state_flow_history_entities should have been stored on this
  // object in the above pre_render method relevant to this record.
  if (!empty($this->state_flow_history_entities_by_revision_id[$entity_type][$revision_id])) {

    // These are the state_flow_history_entities relevant only to this
    // state_flow_states/parent entity revision_id record.
    $state_flow_history_entities = $this->state_flow_history_entities_by_revision_id[$entity_type][$revision_id];

    // A renderable array.
    $output = array();

    // Add each state_flow_history_entity to the renderable array.
    foreach ($state_flow_history_entities as $hid => $state_flow_history_entity) {
      $output[]['#markup'] = state_flow_entity_state_flow_history_entity_view($state_flow_history_entity, $view_mode = 'full');
    return $output;

  // Return an empty string if there is a fail above.
  return '';