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public function StateFlowWebTestCase::testOfPublishedViewsHandler in State Machine 7.3


Test and some of the other columns used at node/1/revisions-state-flow-states and node/1/state-flow-history


modules/state_flow/tests/state_flow.test, line 354


Unit tests for the StateFlow revision state machine.


public function testOfPublishedViewsHandler() {

  // Add fields to the state_flow_history_entity Field API integration can be
  // tested.

  // This array holds values added to Field API fields on a
  // state_flow_history_entity.
  // The 0 index in the array is a dummy value so that the next '1' index
  // value syncs up with
  // node revision 1.
  $field_text = array(

  // Make a dummy node to offset revision ids. This accommodates that Views
  // bug in
  debug('Make node 1, vid: 1');
  $edit = array();
  $new_title = $this
  $edit['title'] = $new_title;
  $edit['event'] = 'keep in draft';

  // @todo, test presence of comment.
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
    ->drupalPost("node/add/article", $edit, t('Save'));

  // Then make another revision of the first node.
  debug('Create new revision for node 1, vid: 2');
  $edit = array();
  $new_title = $this
  $edit['title'] = $new_title;
  $edit['event'] = 'keep in draft';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
  $edit['revision'] = TRUE;
    ->drupalPost("node/1/edit", $edit, t('Save'));

  // // Here's the real test.
  // Make a new node.
  // nid: 2, vid: 3
  debug('Create new node 2: vid: 3');
  $edit = array();
  $new_title = $this
  $edit['title'] = $new_title;
  $edit['event'] = 'keep in draft';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
    ->drupalPost("node/add/article", $edit, t('Save'));

  // Then make another revision of the second node.
  // nid: 2, vid: 4
  debug('Create new revision for node 2, vid: 4');
  $edit = array();
  $new_title = $this
  $edit['title'] = $new_title;
  $edit['event'] = 'keep in draft';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
  $edit['revision'] = 1;
    ->drupalPost("node/2/edit", $edit, t('Save'));

  // Publish revision 4.
  // nid: 2, vid: 4
  debug('Pubish revision 4 of node 2');
  $edit = array();
  $edit['event'] = 'publish';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
    ->drupalPost("node/2/revisions-state-flow-states", $edit, t('Update State'));

  // Make revision 5.
  // nid: 2, vid: 5 -> forward rev. nid: 2, vid: 6
  debug('Create new revision for node 2, vid: 5');
  debug('Forward revision for published  vid: 4 of node 2 is created, vid: 6');
  $edit = array();
  $new_title = $this
  $edit['title'] = $new_title;
  $edit['event'] = 'to draft';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
  $edit['revision'] = 1;
    ->drupalPost("node/2/edit", $edit, t('Save'));

  // Publish revision 5.
  // nid: 2 vid: 5
  debug('Pubish revision 5 of node 2');
  debug('No forward revisioning necessary. vid 5 is just set as active in the node table.');
  $edit = array();
  $edit['event'] = 'publish';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
    ->drupalPost("node/2/revisions-state-flow-states", $edit, t('Update State'));

  // Make revision 6.
  // nid: 2 vid: 7  -> forward rev. nid: 2, vid: 8
  debug('Create new revision for node 2, vid: 7');
  debug('Forward revision for published  vid: 5 of node 2 is created, vid: 8');
  $edit = array();
  $new_title = $this
  $edit['title'] = $new_title;
  $edit['event'] = 'to draft';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
  $edit['revision'] = 1;
    ->drupalPost("node/2/edit", $edit, t('Save'));
  debug('field_texts: <pre>' . print_r($field_text, TRUE) . '</pre>');

  // Check the states page.

  // Make sure that the list handler is present.
  // (
  // @todo, shouldn't this be xpath?

  // Verify that CSS was added.
    ->assertRaw('modules/state_flow_entity/css/state_flow_entity.css', 'CSS has been added');

  // Set the testing xpath string and initial replacement patterns.
  // @todo, add xpath comments.
  $xpath_string = "//tbody/tr[\n\n      ./td/a[contains(@href, :revision_url)]\n      and ./td[@class=:state_class and contains(., :state_value)]\n      and  contains(concat(' ', @class), :row_class)\n      and ./td/div[@class=:hid_class and contains(., :hid_text)]\n      and ./td/div[\n        @class=:hid_class\n        and ./div[\n          @class='state-flow-history-entity-content'\n          and ./div[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), :field_class)]\n          and ./div[contains(., :field_text)]\n        ]\n      ]\n      and ./td[contains(., :published_value)]\n    ]";
  $xpath_replacements = array(
    ':row_class' => 'state-flow--is-published--no',
    ':revision_url' => url('node/2/revisions/3/view'),
    ':state_value' => 'Draft',
    ':state_class' => 'views-field views-field-state',
    ':hid_class' => 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-3',
    ':published_value' => '',
    ':hid_text' => 'draft --> draft',
    ':field_class' => 'field-name-field-sfhe-text',
    ':field_text' => $field_text[3],

  // Check revision 3.
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'There is a table row with for revision 3. It is in a Draft state and not in the node table.');

  // Check revision 4.
  $xpath_replacements[':revision_url'] = url('node/2/revisions/4/view');
  $xpath_replacements[':state_value'] = 'Published';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-4';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'draft --> draft';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[4];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'There is a table row with for revision 4. It is in a Published state and not in the node table.');

  // Check the other history entity in revision 4.
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'draft --> published';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-5';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[5];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'Revision 4 contains the correct draft --> published record.');

  // Check revision 5.
  $xpath_replacements[':revision_url'] = url('node/2/revisions/5/view');
  $xpath_replacements[':state_value'] = 'Published';
  $xpath_replacements[':published_value'] = '';
  $xpath_replacements[':row_class'] = 'state-flow--is-published--no';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'published --> draft';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-6';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[6];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->buildXPathQuery($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements));
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'There is a table row with for revision 5. It is in a Draft state and not in the node table.');

  // Check other state of revision 5.
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'draft --> published';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-9';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[7];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->buildXPathQuery($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements));
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'Revision 5 contains the correct draft --> published record.');

  // Check the forward revision 8 of revision 5 and the other history entity.
  $xpath_replacements[':revision_url'] = url('node/2/revisions/8/view');
  $xpath_replacements[':state_value'] = 'Published';
  $xpath_replacements[':published_value'] = 'Published';
  $xpath_replacements[':row_class'] = 'state-flow--is-published--yes';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'draft --> published';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-12';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[7];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->buildXPathQuery($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements));
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'There is a table row with for revision 8. It is in a Published state and in the node table.');
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'Revision 8 contains the correct draft --> published record.');

  // Check the other history entity in revision 8.
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'published --> draft';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-11';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[6];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->buildXPathQuery($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements));
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'Revision 8 contains the correct published --> draft record.');

  // Check revision 6.
  $xpath_replacements[':revision_url'] = url('node/2/revisions/7/view');
  $xpath_replacements[':state_value'] = 'Draft';
  $xpath_replacements[':published_value'] = '';
  $xpath_replacements[':row_class'] = 'state-flow--is-published--no';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-10';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'published --> draft';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[8];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'There is a table row with for revision 6. It is in a Draft state and not in the node table.');

  // Test the unpublish step and verify the Views results.
  // Unpublish the whole node.
  $edit = array();
  $edit['event'] = 'unpublish';
  $edit['event_comment'] = $this
  $field_text[] = $edit['field_sfhe_text[und][0][value]'] = $this
    ->drupalPost("node/2/revisions-state-flow-states", $edit, t('Update State'));

  // Check the states page.
  $xpath_replacements[':state_value'] = 'Unpublished';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-13';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'draft --> unpublished';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[9];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1);

  // Check revision 5.
  $xpath_replacements[':revision_url'] = url('node/2/revisions/5/view');
  $xpath_replacements[':state_value'] = 'Published';
  $xpath_replacements[':published_value'] = '';
  $xpath_replacements[':row_class'] = 'state-flow--is-published--no';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_text'] = 'published --> draft';
  $xpath_replacements[':hid_class'] = 'state-flow-history-entity-hid-6';
  $xpath_replacements[':field_text'] = $field_text[6];
  $tr = $this
    ->xpath($xpath_string, $xpath_replacements);
    ->assertEqual(count($tr), 1, 'There is a table row with for revision 5. It is in a Published state and in the node table.');