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public function FetchManager::fetch in Stage File Proxy 8

Downloads a remote file and saves it to the local files directory.


string $server: The origin server URL.

string $remote_file_dir: The relative path to the files directory on the origin server.

string $relative_path: The path to the requested resource relative to the files directory.

array $options: Options for the request.

Return value

bool Returns true if the content was downloaded, otherwise false.

Overrides FetchManagerInterface::fetch


src/FetchManager.php, line 60


Fetch manager.




public function fetch($server, $remote_file_dir, $relative_path, array $options) {
  try {

    // Fetch remote file.
    $url = $server . '/' . UrlHelper::encodePath($remote_file_dir . '/' . $relative_path);
    $options['Connection'] = 'close';
    $response = $this->client
      ->get($url, $options);
    $result = $response
    if ($result != 200) {
        ->warning('HTTP error @errorcode occurred when trying to fetch @remote.', [
        '@errorcode' => $result,
        '@remote' => $url,
      return FALSE;

    // Prepare local target directory and save downloaded file.
    $file_dir = $this
    $destination = $file_dir . '/' . dirname($relative_path);
    if (!$this->fileSystem
      ->prepareDirectory($destination, FileSystemInterface::CREATE_DIRECTORY | FileSystemInterface::MODIFY_PERMISSIONS)) {
        ->error('Unable to prepare local directory @path.', [
        '@path' => $destination,
      return FALSE;
    $destination = str_replace('///', '//', "{$destination}/") . $this->fileSystem
    $response_headers = $response
    $content_length = array_shift($response_headers['Content-Length']);
    $response_data = $response
    if (isset($content_length) && strlen($response_data) != $content_length) {
        ->error('Incomplete download. Was expecting @content-length bytes, actually got @data-length.', [
        '@content-length' => $content_length,
        '@data-length' => $content_length,
      return FALSE;
    if ($this
      ->writeFile($destination, $response_data)) {
      return TRUE;
      ->error('@remote could not be saved to @path.', [
      '@remote' => $url,
      '@path' => $destination,
    return FALSE;
  } catch (GuzzleException $e) {

    // Do nothing.
    ->error('Stage File Proxy encountered an unknown error by retrieving file @file', [
    '@file' => $server . '/' . UrlHelper::encodePath($remote_file_dir . '/' . $relative_path),
  return FALSE;