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7 calls to Schema::fieldExists() in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 3.1.x

Schema::addField in src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Schema.php
Add a new field to a table.
Schema::changeField in src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Schema.php
Change a field definition.
Schema::cleanUpPrimaryKey in src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Schema.php
Drop the primary key constraint.
Schema::createTechnicalPrimaryColumn in src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Schema.php
Add a primary column to the table.
Schema::dropField in src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Schema.php
Should this be in a Transaction?
Schema::fieldSetDefault in src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Schema.php
Schema::fieldSetNoDefault in src/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Schema.php