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sqlsrv.install in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 8.2

Installation file for sqlsrv module.


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 * @file
 * Installation file for sqlsrv module.
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Connection;
use Drupal\sqlsrv\Indexes\IndexManager;
use Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Install\Tasks as MssqlInstallTasks;

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
 * Remove cache directory if module is uninstalled.
function sqlsrv_uninstall() {

 * Implements hook_requirements().
 * @status: Needs global revision.
function sqlsrv_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {

    /** @var Connection $connection */
    $connection = Database::getConnection();

    // Nothing to do if we are not running on MSSQL.
    if ($connection
      ->driver() !== 'sqlsrv') {
      $requirements['sqlsrv_unused'] = array(
        'title' => t('MSSQL Server'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_WARNING,
        'description' => 'Driver module enabled but driver not used.',
        'value' => t('The MSSQL driver module is enabled, but it looks like you are not using the MSSQL database engine driver. Please, disable the MSSQL module.'),
      return $requirements;
    $options = $connection
    $schema = $connection
    $version = $connection
    $database = $connection
    $requirements = MssqlInstallTasks::InstallRequirements();

    // Report information about the driver....
    $uinfo = $connection
    if (method_exists($connection
      ->Scheme(), 'getDriverAttributes')) {
      $attrs = $connection
      $uinfo = array_merge($uinfo, $attrs
    $uinfo_parts = array_map(function ($a, $b) {
      return "{$a}={$b}";
    }, array_keys($uinfo), $uinfo);
    $requirements['sqlsrv_edition'] = array(
      'title' => t('MSSQL Server'),
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO,
      'description' => implode(' | ', $uinfo_parts),
      'value' => t('@version @level @ @edition', array(
        '@version' => $version
        '@level' => $version
        '@edition' => $version

    // Report database name and size.
    $size = $connection
    $size_db = format_size($size->RowSizeMB * 1024 * 1024);
    $table_count = $size->TableCount;
    $requirements['sqlsrv_database'] = array(
      'title' => t('MSSQL Server Database'),
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
      'value' => "{$options['driver']}://{$options['host']}:{$options['port']}/{$options['database']} ({$size_db}, {$table_count} tables)",

    // Wincache module availability.
    $wincache_module = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
    $requirements['sqlsrv_wincache_extension'] = array(
      'title' => t('MSSQL Server Wincache module'),
      'value' => $wincache_module ? phpversion('wincache') : t('Not available'),
      'severity' => $wincache_module ? REQUIREMENT_OK : REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
      'description' => $wincache_module ? NULL : t('Enabling wincache integration can greatly improve system performance. See <a href="">Wincache Drupal</a> for more details.'),

    // Report encoding for database.
    $collation = $connection
      ->getCollation($database, $connection
    $case_insensitive = stripos($collation, '_CI') !== FALSE;
    $requirements['sqlsrv_encoding_database'] = array(
      'title' => t('MSSQL Server Database encoding'),
      'severity' => $case_insensitive ? REQUIREMENT_OK : REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
      'description' => $case_insensitive ? t('Default case insensitive collation found.') : t('Drupal needs a default case insensitive collation database to run on.'),
      'value' => t('@collation', array(
        '@collation' => $collation,

    // TODO: Report install function availability (SUBSTRING, CONCAT, IF, MD5, etc...)
    $functions = $schema
    $briefing = array();
    $error = FALSE;
    foreach ($functions as $function) {
      $exists = $connection
      $error = $exists === FALSE ? TRUE : $error;
      $briefing[] = $function . ':' . ($exists === TRUE ? 'YES' : 'NO');
    $exists = $connection
    $error = $exists === FALSE ? TRUE : $error;
    $briefing[] = 'CLREnabled' . ':' . ($exists === TRUE ? 'YES' : 'NO');
    $requirements['sqlsrv_custom_functions'] = array(
      'title' => t('MSSQL Server Custom Functions'),
      'description' => $error === TRUE ? t('Some custom functions are not available. Make sure you deploy them.') : t('All custom functions available.'),
      'severity' => $error === TRUE ? REQUIREMENT_WARNING : REQUIREMENT_OK,
      'value' => implode(' | ', $briefing),

    // TODO:// Move this to a better place!
    $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/src/Indexes/Implementations';
    $manager = new IndexManager($connection, $path);

    // Make sure that the module's driver code is the same one as the effectively
    // deployed driver code....
    // TODO:// Nicer than just showing the error,
    // would be to offer the option to autodploy the driver...

    //if ($connection->driver_settings->GetMonitorDriverStatus()){

    //  $deployed_ok = sqlsrv_verify_driver();
    //  $requirements['sqlsrv_deployed_files'] = array(
    //    'title' => t('MSSQL Server Deployed Driver'),
    //    'description' => t('Deployed driver match.'),
    //    'severity' => $deployed_ok === TRUE ? REQUIREMENT_OK : REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
    //    'description' => $deployed_ok === TRUE ? t('Deployed driver matches module version.') : t('The deployed driver files do not match the module driver.'),
    //    );

  return $requirements;

 * Verify that the deployed driver is the same one as the module
 * version.
 * @return bool
function sqlsrv_verify_driver() {

  // Location of the effective driver.
  $class = Connection::class;
  $reflector = new ReflectionClass($class);
  $driver_dir = dirname($reflector

  // Location for the module's driver.
  $module_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(
  return sqlsrv_directory_checksum($driver_dir) === sqlsrv_directory_checksum($module_dir);

 * Calculate a unique identifier for a directory and it's contents
 * based on file sizes and names.
 * TODO:// This thing will not notice files being moved around in directories
 * as long as they keep same name and size.
 * @param string $directory
 * @return string
function sqlsrv_directory_checksum($directory) {
  $files = file_scan_directory($directory, '/\\.*/i');
  $checksum = 0;
  $names = '';
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    $checksum += filesize($file->uri);
    $names .= $file->name;
  return $checksum . '-' . md5($names);


Namesort descending Description
sqlsrv_directory_checksum Calculate a unique identifier for a directory and it's contents based on file sizes and names.
sqlsrv_requirements Implements hook_requirements().
sqlsrv_uninstall Implements hook_uninstall().
sqlsrv_verify_driver Verify that the deployed driver is the same one as the module version.