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7 calls to DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::queryColumnInformation() in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 7.3

DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::calculateClusteredIndexRowSizeBytes in sqlsrv/
Estimates the row size of a clustered index.
DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::compressPrimaryKeyIndex in sqlsrv/
Sometimes the size of a table's primary key index needs to be reduced to allow for Primary XML Indexes.
DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::createIndexSql in sqlsrv/
Returns the SQL needed (incomplete) to create and index. Supports XML indexes.
DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::dropFieldRelatedObjects in sqlsrv/
Drop the related objects of a column (indexes, constraints, etc.).
DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::introspectPrimaryKeyFields in sqlsrv/
Get the list of fields participating in the Primary Key
DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::loadFieldsSpec in sqlsrv/
Retrieve an array of field specs from an array of field names.
DatabaseSchema_sqlsrv::tableHasXmlIndex in sqlsrv/
Check if a table already has an XML index.