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spamspan_function_usage.txt in SpamSpan filter 7

SpamSpan implements the spamspan technique ( ) for hiding email addresses from spambots.
This file lists where each function is used.

Content views are the most frequent activity. Anything in this list should be in the .module file.

Content edit save. This can be shoved off to the admin code.

Content edit save when there is an email address in the content.
This can be shoved off to the admin code.


View source
  1. SpamSpan implements the spamspan technique ( ) for hiding email addresses from spambots.
  2. This file lists where each function is used.
  3. Content views are the most frequent activity. Anything in this list should be in the .module file.
  4. spamspan_filter_info()
  5. spamspan_filter_tips()
  6. spamspan_help()
  7. Content edit save. This can be shoved off to the admin code.
  8. spamspan_filter_process()
  9. Content edit save when there is an email address in the content.
  10. This can be shoved off to the admin code.
  11. _spamspan_callback_email()
  12. _spamspan_output()