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11 calls to spaces_types() in Spaces 6.2

spaces_active_space_menu in ./spaces.module
A mild abstraction of hook_menu() items that can be used by implementing modules to embed/graft relevant spaces items into the menu tree.
spaces_basic_form in ./
BASIC FORM =========================================================
spaces_context_conditions in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_context_conditions().
spaces_features_form in ./
FEATURE SETTINGS ===================================================
spaces_load in ./spaces.module
Load a space.
spaces_menu_access in ./spaces.module
Spaces menu access callback. Allows space types to manage menu access as related to their space workflow. See hook_menu_alter() for how the original menu access callback / argument gets passed to an altered item.
spaces_preset_default_form in ./
Page callback for generating a list of spaces presets. (admin/build/spaces)
spaces_preset_default_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for spaces_preset_default_form().
spaces_purl_provider in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_purl_provider().
spaces_router in ./spaces.module
Wrapper around implementations of $space->router. Provides additional intelligence, including a global killswitch and routing when no spaces are active.
spaces_save in ./spaces.module
Saves a space object's feature/setting values.