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27 calls to spaces_get_space() in Spaces 7

spaces_access_admin in ./spaces.module
Access check for administrative access to the current space. An optional set of permissions can be provided to be added as AND conditions to the access check.
spaces_access_feature in ./spaces.module
Access check for a given feature in the current space.
spaces_access_space in ./spaces.module
Access check for the current space.
spaces_access_user in ./spaces.module
Access check for a user account page in the current space.
spaces_block_view in ./spaces.module
Implements hook_block_view().
spaces_context_load_alter in ./
Implements hook_context_load_alter().
spaces_context_ui_editor_submit in ./
Save handler for context_block_editor().
spaces_customtext_feature_strings in spaces_customtext/
Retrieve strings related to the given feature.
spaces_dashboard_access in spaces_dashboard/spaces_dashboard.module
Menu access callback.
spaces_dashboard_editor in spaces_dashboard/spaces_dashboard.module
Form builder: spaces dashboard editor. Clones and overrides form built by context_ui_editor().
spaces_features_form in ./
Spaces features form.
spaces_form_alter in ./
Implements hook_form_alter().
spaces_form_context_ui_editor_alter in ./
Implements hook_form_alter() for context_ui_context_editor().
spaces_frontpage in ./spaces.module
Route the user to the proper homepage for this space.
spaces_handler_filter_spaces_current::query in includes/
Meta query handler which delegates query building to the implementing spaces.
spaces_init_space in ./spaces.module
Initialize a space and set it to be the current active space.
spaces_og_context_page_reaction in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Implements hook_context_page_reaction(). Allows Spaces OG to set the breadcrumb just prior to theme('page') taking over.
spaces_og_form_node_delete_confirm_alter in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Implements hook_form_alter() for node_delete_confirm().
spaces_og_handler_field_og_group_nids::init in spaces_og/views/
Override of init(). Omit/exclude this field if we're within a group space.
spaces_og_nodeapi_OLD in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Implements hook_nodeapi().
spaces_og_subscription_link in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Custom subscription link - use "join" instead of "subscribe" - make it shorter.
spaces_overrides_form in ./
Form for managing space override values.
spaces_router in ./spaces.module
Calls the router method on all space types, giving them a chance to route requests accordingly.
spaces_system_settings_form_submit in ./
Form submit handler for system settings form for space-specific overrides. Similar to system_settings_form_submit() but saves override values to space.
spaces_taxonomy_form_alter in spaces_taxonomy/spaces_taxonomy.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
spaces_user_form_spaces_features_form_alter in spaces_user/spaces_user.module
Implements hook_form_alter() for spaces_features_form(). Disallow site_frontpage var from being customizable within a user space.
_spaces_og_form_alter_node in spaces_og/
Group-enabled node form_alter()