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17 calls to spaces_features() in Spaces 5.2

spaces::testSpaces in tests/spaces.test
spaces_content_types in ./spaces.module
Returns a content type => features map.
spaces_customize in ./
Customization page callback.
spaces_features_menu in ./spaces.module
Returns a links array in the theme_links() format of the current space's menu items for features accessible to the current user. Each item has a keyed array of children items if applicable.
spaces_node_links in ./spaces.module
Generates a set of links for node types associated with the current active contexts.
spaces_save in ./spaces.module
Saves a space object's feature/setting values.
spaces_ui_features in ./spaces_ui.module
Menu page callback that shows a listing of spaces features.
spaces_ui_form_alter in ./spaces_ui.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter()
spaces_user.module in ./spaces_user.module
space_customizer_menu::form in ./spaces.module
space_customizer_menu::submit in ./spaces.module
space_customizer_views::form in ./spaces.module
space_setting_home::form in ./spaces.module
_spaces_core_block_book in spaces_core/spaces_core.module
Spaces version of the book nav block -- shows all root books in a group
_spaces_enforce_feature in ./spaces_og.module
API function that enforces OG group and privacy settings on a node.
_spaces_features_form in ./
Core form for controlling features / settings
_spaces_views_empty in ./
Function that handles a variety of tasks needed when view is empty