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18 calls to spaces_features() in Spaces 5

spaces::testSpaces in tests/spaces.test
spaces_admin_debug in ./spaces.module
Provides a debug page to display all group privacy settings
spaces_content_types in ./spaces.module
Returns a content type => features map
spaces_feature in ./spaces.module
Test if feature exists
spaces_features_form in ./
Define form for controlling features
spaces_features_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for spaces features form
spaces_features_labels in ./
Menu customization form.
spaces_features_labels_submit in ./
Submit handler for the menu customization form.
spaces_features_menu in ./spaces.module
returns a keyed array of features split by public/private/group-agnostic TODO: can this be optimized? maybe if we store our data differently : |
spaces_goto_grouphome in ./spaces.module
Given a group id redirect a user to the group home page.
spaces_router in ./spaces.module
Consolidated group context routing logic.
spaces_settings in ./spaces.module
spaces_view_headers in ./
View header customization form - ALPHA
theme_spaces_button in ./spaces.module
Generates a themed set of links for node types associated with the current active contexts.
theme_spaces_features_labels in ./
Form theme for spaces_features_labels()
_spaces_enforce_feature in ./spaces.module
API function that enforces OG group and privacy settings on a node.
_spaces_homepage_options in ./spaces.module
Allows a user to choose a default view for the group's homepage
_spaces_views_empty in ./
Function that handles a variety of tasks needed when view is empty