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public function SoundCloudDefaultFormatter::viewElements in SoundCloud field 8

Builds a renderable array for a field value.


\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface $items: The field values to be rendered.

string $langcode: The language that should be used to render the field.

Return value

array A renderable array for $items, as an array of child elements keyed by consecutive numeric indexes starting from 0.

Overrides FormatterInterface::viewElements


src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/SoundCloudDefaultFormatter.php, line 164


Plugin implementation of the 'soundcloud_default' formatter.




public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode) {
  $elements = array();
  $settings = $this

  // Get the "common" settings.
  $width = $this
  $autoplay = $this
    ->getSetting('soundcloud_player_autoplay') ? 'true' : 'false';
  $showcomments = $this
    ->getSetting('soundcloud_player_showcomments') ? 'true' : 'false';
  $showplaycount = $this
    ->getSetting('soundcloud_player_showplaycount') ? 'true' : 'false';
  $showartwork = $this
    ->getSetting('soundcloud_player_showartwork') ? 'true' : 'false';
  $color = $this
    ->getSetting('soundcloud_player_color') ? $this
    ->getSetting('soundcloud_player_color') : 'ff7700';

  $oembed_endpoint = '';

  // Get 'HTML5 player'-specific settings.
  $html5_player_height = empty($settings['html5_player']['html5_player_height']) ? SOUNDCLOUDFIELD_DEFAULT_HTML5_PLAYER_HEIGHT : $settings['html5_player']['html5_player_height'];
  $html5_player_height_sets = empty($settings['html5_player']['html5_player_height_sets']) ? SOUNDCLOUDFIELD_DEFAULT_HTML5_PLAYER_HEIGHT_SETS : $settings['html5_player']['html5_player_height_sets'];
  $visual_player = $this
    ->getSetting('soundcloud_player_type') == 'visual' ? 'true' : 'false';
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
    $output = '';
    $encoded_url = urlencode($item->url);

    // Set the proper height for this item.
    // - classic player: track default is 166px, set default is 450px.
    // - visual player: player height it's the same for tracks and sets.
    if ($visual_player == 'true') {
      $iframe_height = $settings['soundcloud_player_visual_height'];
    else {
      $parsed_url = parse_url($item->url);
      $splitted_url = explode("/", $parsed_url['path']);

      // An artist page or a set or a track?
      $iframe_height = !isset($splitted_url[2]) || $splitted_url[2] == 'sets' ? $html5_player_height_sets : $html5_player_height;

    // Create the URL.
    $oembed_url = $oembed_endpoint . '?iframe=true&format=json&url=' . $encoded_url;

    // curl get.
    $soundcloud_curl_get = _soundcloudfield_curl_get($oembed_url);
    if ($soundcloud_curl_get != ' ') {

      // Load in the oEmbed XML.
      $oembed = Json::decode($soundcloud_curl_get);

      // Replace player default settings with our settings,
      // set player width and height first.
      $final_iframe = preg_replace('/(width=)"([^"]+)"/', 'width="' . $width . '%"', $oembed['html']);
      $final_iframe = preg_replace('/(height=)"([^"]+)"/', 'height="' . $iframe_height . '"', $oembed['html']);

      // Set autoplay.
      if (preg_match('/auto_play=(true|false)/', $final_iframe)) {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/auto_play=(true|false)/', 'auto_play=' . $autoplay, $final_iframe);
      else {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/">/', '&auto_play=' . $autoplay . '">', $final_iframe);

      // Show comments?
      if (preg_match('/show_comments=(true|false)/', $final_iframe)) {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/show_comments=(true|false)/', 'show_comments=' . $showcomments, $final_iframe);
      else {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/">/', '&show_comments=' . $showcomments . '">', $final_iframe);

      // Show playcount?
      if (preg_match('/show_playcount=(true|false)/', $final_iframe)) {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/show_playcount=(true|false)/', 'show_playcount=' . $showplaycount, $final_iframe);
      else {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/">/', '&show_playcount=' . $showplaycount . '">', $final_iframe);

      // Show artwork?
      if (preg_match('/show_artwork=(true|false)/', $final_iframe)) {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/show_artwork=(true|false)/', 'show_artwork=' . $showartwork, $final_iframe);
      else {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/">/', '&show_artwork=' . $showartwork . '">', $final_iframe);

      // Set player color.
      if (preg_match('/color=([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})/', $final_iframe)) {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/color=([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})/', 'color=' . $color, $final_iframe);
      else {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/">/', '&color=' . $color . '">', $final_iframe);

      // Set HTML5 player type based on formatter: classic/visual player.
      if (preg_match('/visual=(true|false)/', $final_iframe)) {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/visual=(true|false)/', 'visual=' . $visual_player, $final_iframe);
      else {
        $final_iframe = preg_replace('/">/', '&visual=' . $visual_player . '">', $final_iframe);

      // Final output. Use '$oembed->html' for original embed code.
      $output = html_entity_decode($final_iframe);
    else {
      $output = $this
        ->t('The SoundCloud content at <a href=":url">:url</a> is not available, or it is set to private.', [
        ':url' => $item->url,

    // Extract field item attributes for the theme function, and unset them
    // from the $item so that the field template does not re-render them.
    $item_attributes = $item->_attributes;

    // Render each element as markup.
    $elements[$delta] = array(
      '#markup' => $output,
      '#allowed_tags' => [

    //      $elements[$delta] = array(
    //        '#markup' => $item->value,
    //        '#markup' => $item->processed,
    //      );
  return $elements;