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public function SocialSharingBlock::build in Social media share 8

Builds and returns the renderable array for this block plugin.

If a block should not be rendered because it has no content, then this method must also ensure to return no content: it must then only return an empty array, or an empty array with #cache set (with cacheability metadata indicating the circumstances for it being empty).

Return value

array A renderable array representing the content of the block.

Overrides BlockPluginInterface::build

See also



src/Plugin/Block/SocialSharingBlock.php, line 77


Provides a 'SocialSharingBlock' block.




public function build() {
  global $base_url;
  $library = [
  $settings = [];
  $icon_path = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'social_media') . '/icons/';
  $elements = [];
  $social_medias = $this->configFactory

  // Call pre_execute event before doing anything.
  $event = new SocialMediaEvent($social_medias);
    ->dispatch('social_media.pre_execute', $event);
  $social_medias = $event
  $social_medias = $this
  foreach ($social_medias as $name => $social_media) {

    // Replace api url with different link.
    if ($name == "email" && isset($social_media['enable_forward']) && $social_media['enable_forward']) {
      $social_media['api_url'] = str_replace('mailto:', '/social-media-forward', $social_media['api_url']);
      $social_media['api_url'] .= '&destination=' . $this->currentPath
      if (isset($social_media['show_forward']) && $social_media['show_forward'] == 1) {
        $library[] = 'core/drupal.dialog.ajax';
    if ($social_media['enable'] == 1 && !empty($social_media['api_url'])) {
      $elements[$name]['text'] = $social_media['text'];
      $elements[$name]['api'] = new Attribute([
        $social_media['api_event'] => $this->token
      if (isset($social_media['library']) && !empty($social_media['library'])) {
        $library[] = $social_media['library'];
      if (isset($social_media['attributes']) && !empty($social_media['attributes'])) {
        $elements[$name]['attr'] = $this
      if (isset($social_media['drupalSettings']) && !empty($social_media['drupalSettings'])) {
        $settings['social_media'] = $this
      if (isset($social_media['default_img']) && $social_media['default_img']) {
        $elements[$name]['img'] = $icon_path . $name . '.svg';
      elseif (!empty($social_media['img'])) {
        $elements[$name]['img'] = $base_url . '/' . $social_media['img'];
      if (isset($social_media['enable_forward']) && $social_media['enable_forward']) {
        if (isset($social_media['show_forward']) && $social_media['show_forward'] == 1) {
          $elements[$name]['forward_dialog'] = $social_media['show_forward'];
  $build = [];

  // Call prerender event before render.
  $event = new SocialMediaEvent($elements);
    ->dispatch('social_media.pre_render', $event);
  $elements = $event
  $build['social_sharing_block'] = [
    '#theme' => 'social_media_links',
    '#elements' => $elements,
    '#attached' => [
      'library' => $library,
      'drupalSettings' => $settings,
  return $build;